The wait is just over. Sunita Williams of Indian origin is coming to the earth at 3.27 am on Wednesday, 19 March with 3 other astronauts after a long wait of 9 months. The responsibility of bringing them back is on the spacecraft dragon of Spacex, which has left them from the International Space Station.
By the way, this dragon spacecraft will land on the earth or fall into the sea? When does the capsule separate from the second part of the spacecraft? What happens in those 7 minutes when the dragon capsules turn into fire shells? All will tell in easy language.
That 46 minutes
There are 7 potential Splashdown site of the Dragon Capsule on the US Florida coast. That is, the place of falling in the sea. Of these, 3 are towards Gulf of Mexico and 4 are towards the Atlantic Sea. The team sitting on the ground decides which of these site will be perfect for the landing (Splashadown) of the Dragon according to the weather and other safety factor. The scientists of NASA and Spacex sitting in mission control use its thruster to send the dragon spacecraft to the traitor to the tractory. In the simple language, they resort to the third rule of Newton and put the force from the thruster to change the direction of the spacecraft.
As the dragon spacecraft falls into the Earth’s atmosphere, the situation becomes serious. Just before entering the atmosphere, the dragon capsule is separated from its trunk modular. That is, there is only a capsule part on the earth and there will be four astronauts inside it. As soon as the dragon capsules are separated, with the help of 8 Drako thrusters installed in it, the flat of the capsule, that is, the back part, is given mode towards the earth. The reason is that this flat part contains heat shields, which enables it to withstand excessive temperature conditions.
That 7 minutes when there is no control
The Dragon Capsule passes into the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 28000 kmph. When the capsule passes at this speed, the atmosphere rubs from the atmosphere and due to friction, the temperature reaches 7,000 degrees Faurrenheit. These 7 minutes are such when the mission control team sitting on the ground has no control over the capsule.
The speed of the capsule is also slightly slow due to the friction and the speed comes up to 600 km per hour. In this situation, astronauts will have four-five times more force than the gravitational force of the earth. With the speed decreasing, the temperature will also be low and the capsule will no longer be a fireball. The capsule will come from back online, its connection will be made back from mission control.
Now the turn will come for the parachute. Initially two parachutes will open and they will reduce the speed of the dragon capsules. The number of parachutes will be 4 and the speed of the capsule will come down to 24 km per hour. At this speed, the capsule will fall into the sea.
After falling into the water, astronauts will sit inside. At the same time a ground team will reach there and will take the capsule out of the sea. After this, astronauts sitting inside will be taken out by opening the capsule.
Also read: How will Sunita Williams return to Earth? From the handover to ISS, ‘Gharwapsi’ will be in these 10 steps
(Tagstotranslate) Sunita wiliams