Baldness starts increasing due to many reasons, the most common reason of which is androgenic alopecia. This is a medical condition, which causes hair loss. Sometimes this problem is genetically inherited and affects the hair follicles due to hormonal changes.
Often people ask this question whether hair can be regrown on the bald spots growing on the scalp. So the answer is yes, but can this miracle happen overnight, then the answer is no. These spots growing on the scalp are called alopecia areata, which starts increasing due to stress. This leads to hair fall, scalp infection and hair damage. However, some bald spots can be corrected, which will soon solve the problem of baldness. However, this process may take a few months. Now to remove baldness, it is important to understand what is the main cause of hair loss. Apart from this, what remedies can be adopted to prevent hair fall?Regrow hair on bald spots),
What are bald spots?
Baldness starts increasing due to many reasons, the most common reason of which is androgenic alopecia. This is a medical condition, which causes hair loss. Sometimes this problem is genetically inherited and affects the hair follicles due to hormonal changes. Regarding this, skin and hair expert Dr. Priyanka Kuri explains that alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition, in which the immune system damages the hair follicles. Apart from stress, scalp infections and tight hairstyles damage the scalp.
Is it possible to regrow hair on bald spots (Regrow hair on bald spots)
There is no doubt that it is possible to regrow hair on bald spots. But this answer mainly depends on the reason behind baldness. People affected with alopecia areata help with hairgrowth over time or through the right treatments. For people suffering from baldness or androgenic alopecia, options such as hair transplant have been shown to be helpful in stimulating hair growth. It can also slow down hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, once a hair follicle is damaged, it is not possible for that strand to regrow. In such a situation, it is important to first understand the cause and start its treatment.
Know the tips to remove baldness
1 scalp massage
Scalp massage provides nutrition and oxygen to the hair follicles. This increases hair growth and also reduces stress. According to a research published in the journal Aplasty, the thickness of hair starts increasing after 24 weeks of starting hair massage.
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However, to remove baldness through massage, one must know the method of massage. For this use natural coconut or castor oil. Massage the scalp gently with fingers or scalp massager for 5 to 10 minutes daily. It is important to maintain it regularly.
2 Use collagen based products
To prevent hair fall, it is necessary to check the ingredients present in hair products. Protein is obtained from collagen based products, which will give excellent results. Apart from hair care products like shampoos and conditioners, collagen is also available in hair serums which can prove to be effective for hair.
Applying these regularly on your scalp proves beneficial. According to research in the Journal of Functional Foods, collagen peptides in the form of oral supplements also help. Collagen peptides improve hair growth and ability to support healthy hair.
3 Eat a balanced diet
Hair growth largely depends on a balanced and nutritious diet. For this it is necessary to include nutrients in the diet. According to research from the journal Dermatology Practical and Conceptual, hair follicles are the most metabolically active in the body. Along with lack of calories and protein, lack of micronutrients also affects hair growth.
Consuming nutrients like iron found in leafy vegetables and nuts, zinc found in fish, biotin, vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids found in eggs and berries makes hair healthy and strong.
4 Rosemary oil is effective
It is important to use the right products for hair regrowth. Rosemary oil is one product that can help you with this problem. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in improving blood circulation in the scalp. According to a report in the journal Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, apply a few drops of rosemary oil on bald spots before going to bed. After that, wash hair with rosemary shampoo the next day.
5 Control stress
Due to excessive stress, the hair growth cycle starts getting disrupted. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing or exercising regularly reduce stress levels. By practicing Adho Mukha Svanasana, blood flow to the brain increases and the level of oxygen in the body increases. This helps in hair growth. Also the problem of insomnia gets solved.
6 Keep your scalp healthy
Use mild shampoo to wash hair. This solves the problem of dead skin cells growing on the scalp. According to the American Academy of Dermatological Association, to promote hair growth, shampoo should be applied to your scalp instead of the entire length of your hair. This provides relief from dirt and products accumulated on the scalp and can also protect the scalp from dryness.
7 Take help of minoxidil
Minoxidil is a medicine also used to prevent hair loss in people with high blood pressure. Mixing it in shampoo and applying it provides relief from baldness. Actually, this is one of the most commonly used treatments for hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Journal, minoxidil proves helpful in hair growth. But if not used in the right quantity, unwanted hair starts growing.
8 Stay active and healthy
Daily exercise is very important for hair growth. Due to this, blood flow in the body starts increasing. This helps the nutrients to reach the hair follicles. Physical activity keeps the body active and leads to better sleep. Also the body remains healthy, active and hydrated.
Try 9 Ginseng Supplements
The Journal of Preventive Nutrition and Food Science reports that red ginseng extract may increase hair growth and the strength of hair follicles. To apply it, mix ginseng powder in coconut oil and make a hair mask. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. After that wash the hair.
10 Use geranium oil
According to research from Complementary Medicine and Therapies, geranium oil is an excellent home remedy for hair growth. This can prevent hair fall. For this, take two tablespoons of avocado oil, mix argan oil in it and add 8 to 10 drops of Vitamin E. Mix a few drops of geranium oil and lavender oil in this mixture and apply it on the scalp.
11 Choose medical treatment as an option
Hairloss has to be faced due to many reasons. In such a situation, home remedies and oil massage can help you. For this, help of some medical treatments can be taken.
Corticosteroids: These are medicines to treat pain and inflammation. According to research from the College of Family Physicians of Canada, a study of 32 participants found that prednisone, which is an oral corticosteroid. A 6-week course resulted in 25% hair regrowth in 47% of patients and 75% hair regrowth in a quarter, i.e. 25% of patients.
Anthralin: Anthralin is a topical cream. According to research published in the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, it is beneficial for children.
12 surgical treatment
Some surgical treatment? Helps in re-growth of hair. In these procedures the surgeon removes healthy hair follicles and implants them into bald spots. This is a permanent solution to hair loss. There are two ways to do this
Follicular Unit Transplantation: In this the doctor removes a layer of skin containing hair follicles. After this the follicle is removed and implanted on the bald spot.
Follicular Unit Extraction: In this, individual hair follicles are removed and inserted into small incisions in your scalp.
13 Laser therapy may help
Laser therapy has proven effective in preventing hair loss. The laser helps promote blood circulation and hair growth in follicles where products have not proven effective.