Prostate cancer not only affects the reproductive health of men but sometimes it also becomes fatal for them. But if it is identified and treated at the right time, it is possible to get rid of it.
The number of cancer patients is increasing around the world with every passing day. Science has definitely progressed and has found ways to treat it, but sometimes cancer is at a stage where treatment is of no use. One such cancer considered to be the most deadly in men is prostate cancer. Prostate cancerIt not only affects the reproductive health of men, but if careless, it can also prove fatal. Today we will try to know and understand everything about this cancer.
What is prostate cancer? (what is prostate cancer)
Prostate surgeon Dr. Rahul Aggarwal explains that prostate cancer Prostate cancer It is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate gland of men. This gland is involved in sperm production in men.
In a person suffering from this cancer, the cells of the prostate gland start growing very rapidly. Its symptoms may not be visible in the beginning, but as the cancer progresses, its symptoms start appearing.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
1. Trouble urinating
Feeling a burning sensation while urinating, weak urine stream or frequent urination is one of the symptoms of prostate cancer. Sometimes there may be problems like obstruction in urination i.e. urination starts little by little.
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2. Bleeding during urination or sex
People suffering from this may show symptoms like blood in urine. Many times, blood starts appearing in the semen during sex.
3. Pain in stomach, back or hip
Usually these symptoms do not appear in the initial stages of cancer, but when the cancer starts growing, pain in the stomach or lower back may occur. Sometimes this pain can be very troublesome.
4. Sex Issues
A person suffering from prostate cancer may also have problems during sex. Symptoms like erectile dysfunction start appearing in them.
This is a common symptom of all types of cancer. Feeling tired again and again, feeling short of breath while doing any strenuous work and feeling constant weakness is one of the symptoms of prostate cancer.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
According to Doctor Rahul, prostate cancer Prostate cancer There can be many reasons for its occurrence, but according to the information received so far about some of the major reasons, these could be some of the reasons –
1.Age factor (Age is factor prostate cancer)
Prostate cancer usually occurs in men aged 50 and above. As a person’s age increases, the risk of cancer also increases. This risk is greater in aging men because with age, hormonal changes occur in their body, but with it their immune system also becomes weak. A report from Johns Hopkins Medicine According to 60 percent of men who were found to have prostate cancer were all 65 years of age or older.
2.Family History and Race also leads to prostate cancer
If someone in the family has had prostate cancer, that person may also be at risk of this disease. Other than this A report from European Urology According to this, people of African American race are more at risk.
3. Hormone factor (Hormones cause prostate cancer)
Actually, prostate gland in men depends on the hormone called testosterone. As its level increases in the body, the risk of prostate cancer also increases.
4. Pollution and lifestyle (Pollution Causing prostate cancer)
Two things are helping prostate cancer spread. Firstly, pollution which is now a problem of the whole world and secondly, poor lifestyle of the people.
An American Association for Cancer Research Report It has also been said that increasing pollution is a major cause of prostate cancer in people. Bad daily routine i.e. not sleeping or waking up on time or choosing too much fast food in food, all these reasons are one of the causes of prostate cancer.
Prevention of Prostate Cancer
Healthy Diet
Include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains in your diet. Avoid spicy, fried food and too much fat in food.
2. Regular Exercise
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. The benefit of this will be that your weight will be controlled and it will prevent cancer. Prostate cancer The risks of prostate cancer will also reduce because obesity increases the risks of prostate cancer.
3. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol
It goes without saying that things like alcohol and smoking increase the risk of cancer. So just stay away from these so that cancer stays away from you.
4. Regular Screening
If you are above 50 years of age then try Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer Can be checked regularly. Keep getting yourself checked throughout the year or at an interval of 6 months.
The benefit from this will be that even if you are affected by this cancer, your treatment will be easier due to early diagnosis. Therefore, regular checkups should be done. It helps in identifying the symptoms of cancer early.
5. Stress Management
Stress has become common in today’s life but it reduces the strength of our immune system to fight or avoid any disease. Therefore, reduce stress, especially with increasing age, when the risk of this cancer increases.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
1. Surgery
if cancer Prostate cancer If limited then the prostate gland is completely removed. This procedure is called prostatectomy. Doctors usually choose the option of surgery when the cancer is in its initial stage and treatment is possible through surgery.
2. Radiotherapy
In this method of treatment, an attempt is made to destroy cancer cells by using high energy rays. If treatment is not possible through surgery then doctors resort to this method.
3.Hormone Therapy
Now we have prostate cancer Prostate cancer Know about the reasons that this cancer can also arise due to high testosterone level. So testosterone is reduced through hormone therapy so that the growth of cancer cells can be stopped. According to the report of an organization named Duke Health, found That in men with early stage prostate cancer, blocking testosterone levels may help control the cancer.
4. Chemotherapy
if cancer Prostate cancer When the disease has increased significantly and there is no hope of control through the above three methods, then chemotherapy is resorted to. In this therapy, medicines are given to the patient to destroy cancer cells. If not controlled, chemotherapy is used. In this, medicines are given to destroy cancer cells.
5. Immunotherapy (Immunotherapy in Prostate cancer)
cancer Prostate cancer This method is new in the world of cancer treatment in which the body’s own immune system is activated to fight this cancer. Although this method of treatment is still at the research level, it can be effective in some cases.
Also read – Women can also get prostate cancer, experts are telling everything about it