BSEB 12th Admit Card 2025: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has announced the date of release of admit card for Intermediate Examination 2025. Admit cards will be available to students from January 21, 2025. Students have to obtain the admit card through their schools. This time the examination will be held between 1 February to 15 February 2025.
According to the board, admit cards can be downloaded through the login of school principals. The Principal can distribute this admit card to the students after signature and seal. Bihar Board Matriculation Exam Admit Cards have already been released.
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You will be able to download the admit card like this
- To download the admit card of Bihar Board, first of all the school head is required to visit the official website
- After this, they have to go to the login section and fill the user ID and password.
- Now they can download the admit card of their students and print it and distribute it among the students.
- If any problem arises in downloading the admit card, the school head can contact on 0612 – 2232074.
BSEB Intermediate examination will start from 1st February till 15th February and along with it the practical examinations will be held between 10th January to 20th January 2025. The exam will be conducted in two shifts—the first shift will start from 9:30 am and the second shift will start from 1:45 pm.
Keeping in mind the guidelines of the Board, students are advised to compulsorily carry the admit card for entry to the examination center and also not to carry mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices to the examination center. But reach half an hour before.