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Ravi Bishnoi batting in the nets.
Team India defeated England by 2 wickets in the second T20 match played in Chennai on Saturday. At one time India lost 8 wickets for 146 runs. From here, Tilak Verma partnered 19 runs with Ravi Bishnoi and gave the team victory.
Regarding Ravi Bishnoi’s batting, his coach Shah Rukh said, Ravi is a good fielder and bowler, but he impressed everyone with his batting. They bat a lot on the net. The benefit of which he got in another T20.
Tilak Verma unbeaten 72 added 19 runs for the ninth wicket with Ravi Bishnoi.
Work hard if not selected in T20 WC Bishnoi said coach Shah Rukh, “Ravi Bishnoi focused on bowling and fielding as well as batting practice on the net after being ignored from the last 2 T20 World Cup. In the last one and a half years, he has practiced playing against long shots and bouncers.
Tilak Verma played well In the Chennai T20, India lost 5 wickets for 78 runs at one time. After this Tilak Verma batted brilliantly. He stayed from one end but no batsman supported him. India’s eighth wicket fell 146 runs in the 17th over. Now everyone’s eyes were with Ravi Bishnoi, who came to bat on the ninth order.
He played an important role in winning the team by scoring an unbeaten 9 from the strike of 180, facing 5 balls. Ravi also hit two fours in his innings.
Focusing on batting to secure their place in the team Shah Rukh Pathan says that Ravi felt that despite good bowling and fielding, he is inside and out of the team. The reason for this Team India needs the bowler who bats at the lower order. Understanding the need of the team, Ravi focused on his batting. Whose view was seen yesterday.
We worked on his style of batting. Earlier he used to bat well, his body was not stable. Now he is batting slightly straight and keeping the head stable. Earlier, during the batting, he used to bring the bat to the bat, now he brings directly.
Ravi with his coaches Shah Rukh Pathan and Pradyut Singh Rathore.
Practicing on tennis ball for long hinting Shahrukh says about his hitting, when a batter comes in the lower order, the bowlers feed him more. Ravi’s batting also often comes after 15 overs, so we are working on playing his bouter. How to play if a fast bowler comes and bowls above 140 and throws bouncers. Apart from this, they are also working on long hinting.
We are getting Ravi a range of range from the laws of lawn tennis. It is an attempt to hit the ball in front of him. Plastic hard ball comes for the bouncer, makes him practice it. Whenever Ravi comes to the academy, I and another coach Pradyut Singh Rathore perform batting for about 1 hour after bowling and fielding.
Commentator Akash Chopra also praised Commentator Akash Chopra also praised Ravi Bishnoi’s batting during the commentary and said that he has played according to the need of the team. His batting has improved significantly.
(Tagstotranslate) Ravi Bishnoi Coach Interview Sharukh Pathan Pradyot Singh Rathore