One thing that is often said around children regarding sugar is that sugar intake (Too much sugar effect on children) makes children hyperactive. It is true that sugar is effective for instant energy, but how true is the statement about being hyperactive?
Intake of too much sugar (Too much sugar effect on children) is not good for anyone. Be it a child, an adult or an elderly person. But one thing that is often said around children regarding sugar is that sugar intake makes children hyperactive. It is true that sugar or any product related to sugar is effective for instant energy, but how true is the talk about being hyperactive? Today we will investigate this very thing. We will also know how sugar intake affects children’s body.
How much sugar is needed (How much sugar in a day)
It is true that sugar is very important for different parts of the body to function properly. Sugar is useful for the digestion of our food, for brain health or even for the necessary energy in the body. But its use is appropriate only in a certain quantity.
of England National Health Services According to this, an adult person should eat only 50 grams of sugar in a day. Its quantity is less in children. Make sure that the child is not consuming more than 25 grams of sugar in a day. Otherwise it may cause harm (Too much sugar effect on children).
Harmful effects of sugar in children
1. Obesity and weight gain
from foods rich in sugar children’s weight May increase. Children often eat things like candies, biscuits or soft drinks. This increases their calorie intake. It is natural to gain weight due to this. Apart from this, due to increase in calories, children do not get many nutrients. If children continue to have too much sugar intake (Too much sugar effect on children), then it can also make them obese for a long time. Then many diseases also arise, among which type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases are common.
2. Teeth Problems
Dental problems are often seen in children. Parents are not able to keep their children away from sugary things like toffee, sweets, chocolate or cold drinks for long. For this reason children have dental problems. In such a situation, they have problems like toothache or tooth sensitivity. If proper attention is not given, their teeth can also develop decay.
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3. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
If children eat too much sugar, their body is unable to use insulin (which controls blood sugar in the body) properly, which gradually leads to diabetes. diabetes There may be disease.
This problem increases with age and symptoms may start appearing on the body. This is the reason why more cases of diabetes are being found in children these days. Earlier this problem used to knock only with increasing age.
4. Heart Problems
Too much sugar intake (Too much sugar effect on children) can affect the heart health of children. ASA A report from the journals According to this, excessive sugar intake gives rise to the problem of high blood pressure in the body and due to which swelling starts in the body. Due to inflammation, blood clots start forming in the body, which can cause heart problems in children.
Does sugar make children hyperactive? (does sugar make children hyperactive)
This question is asked very often, and the answer is a little difficult. You can understand the connection between sugar and body energy by knowing it. WHO According to this, intake of sugar increases the body’s energy by ten percent. You must have often seen that even now in homes, if someone comes from outside, he is given sweets along with water. The reason for this is so that the energy level increases. Again coming back to the original question. So sugar increases the energy level so that children can feel more agile. But it doesn’t make them hyperactive. And this increase in energy level also happens only for a short period of time.
However, if a child already has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), then sugar can increase its effect a little more. In such a situation, children can become more hyperactive. But then again, this happens only for a short period of time.
Other problems related to sugar (Problems caused by sugar)
1. Mood swings caused by Sugar
After eating sugar or sugar-based food, children feel good for a while, but as soon as the effect of sugar wears off, they may feel irritable or tired. If this happens for a long time, the child may struggle with the problem of quick temper throughout his life.
2.Difficulty in digestion (too much Sugar affects children during digestion)
Children are harmed by too much sugar (Too much sugar effect on children) digestionProblems like stomach pain, gas, or constipation may occur. Especially if they consume fast food and processed foods. In fact, the sugar found in all these foods is hydrogenated and children whose immune system is not yet fully developed become easily victims of stomach problems.
3. Also affects the immune system (Large quantity of sugar intake affects immunity)
US Center for Disease Control and Prevention report According to this, too much sugar intake (Too much sugar effect on children) gives rise to inflammation in the body and makes the blood too thick. Because of this there is additional pressure on the body. Due to this, all the body parts start working more and immune system also does the same. If the immune system has to work harder when it is not fully developed, especially in children, then the chances of it becoming weak further increase. For this reason, children become victims of any disease and infection more easily.
Also read – Diabetes cases are increasing rapidly in children, if you want to save your children then keep these 5 things in mind.