Know the condition of schools in Madhya Pradesh
- 13198 schools in MP depend on only one teacher
- There are a total of 1 lakh 23 thousand 412 schools in Madhya Pradesh.
- There is no separate toilet for girls in 3 thousand 620 schools.
- Toilets built for girls in 10 thousand 702 schools are of no use to anyone.
- There is no handwash facility in 7 thousand 966 schools.
- 7 thousand 422 schools do not have drinking water facility
Bad condition of toilets – boys and girls worried
The toilets where built are not fit for use. By looking at such pictures one can guess how to use these toilets. Toilet has been built but it is not functional and not fit for use. Many times such situations arise that despite there being separate toilets for boys and girls, both use the same toilet.
In Madhya Pradesh, on one hand, the government increased the expenditure on school education by 80% in 7 years, while on the other hand, the number of children in government schools decreased by more than 12 lakh. According to the information given in the Assembly on the question of Congress MLA Pratap Grewal, know the condition of government schools of Madhya Pradesh.
- 12 lakh 23 thousand 384 children reduced from 2016 to 2023-2024
- 635434 children reduced in class 1 to 5
- 483171 students reduced in class 6 to 8
- 104479 children decreased in class 9 to 12
- Expenditure on school education was Rs 16226.08 crore in the year 2016-17
- It was increased by 80% to Rs 29468.03 crore in 2023-24
Why are the number of children decreasing in MP schools?
The School Education Minister told in writing in the Assembly that the main reasons for the decline in enrollment in schools are the decrease in the population of children in the age group of 0 to 6, accuracy of data due to child tracking and students dropping out of school. Congress MLA Pratap Grewal says that it is a matter of concern for the state as to why children are losing interest in schools. The government has increased the budget, where is the budget money going? Budget increased by 80% from 2016 to 23, where is it going?
BJP’s counter attack on Congress
Whereas BJP spokesperson Ajay Dhawale says that Congress cannot raise this question. He had destroyed the education system of Madhya Pradesh, during his reign there was zero budget in Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party government is working for good education to the children, we have opened CM Rise Raj Schools and are working for the betterment of the children. Will work for.
Expenditure on education increased but situation did not improve
Let us tell you that the reality on the ground is different from the papers and government claims. While the government increased the expenditure on school education by 80 percent, despite this, basic facilities could not be provided to the children in the schools of Madhya Pradesh. Many dilapidated schools are asking for repairs, students are in danger, in such a situation the increasing number of drop out children also increases the concern.