New Delhi:
According to many Shia Sunni books, when Hazrat Ali’s mother Hazrat Fatima binte Asad was in the ninth month of pregnancy, she had gone to the Holy Kaaba and was praying to God. Fatima bint Asad leaned against the wall of the Kaaba to rest and then miraculously the wall opened. Fatima bint Asad went inside and the wall closed behind her. After this, when the eyewitnesses saw all this, they started opening the doors and gradually this news spread throughout Mecca, but then everyone was patient and stopped considering it to be the will of Allah.
Binte Asad stayed in the Kaaba for three days and on the third day Hazrat Ali was born. After this she came out and the crack closed. Also, when Hazrat Mohammad Sahib took Hazrat Ali in his lap, then Hazrat Ali opened his eyes. That crack still exists on the wall of the Kaaba. From this crack comes a fragrance which is not found in any other part of the Kaaba.
Who is Hazrat Ali?
Let us tell you that Hazrat Ali is the only person in this world who was born inside Khana-e-Kaaba. Hazrat Ali’s father is Hazrat Abu Talib, who raised Prophet Mohammad Sahib with himself since childhood and protected him in every way. It was for Hazrat Ali that Mohammad Sahib said that I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door, if anyone wants to come to me then he will have to meet Ali twice, once when he comes to the city and second when he goes back.
Also, Hazrat Ali won the battles for Islam like Jang-e-Khyber, Jang-e-Badr, Jang-e-Khandak etc. Not only was he the uncle of Hazrat Ali Mohammad Sahib, he was also the husband of his daughter Bibi Fatima Zahra. After Eid-e-Ghadir, Muslims started considering Hazrat Ali as the first Imam, while after the death of Mohammad Sahib, Sunni Muslims consider him as their fourth Caliph, while Shia Muslims consider Hazrat Ali as the first Imam.
Ali Day is celebrated all over the world including India.
The holy shrine of Hazrat Ali is in the city of Naj in Iraq, where his tomb is also known as Rauza. On this day, thousands of people from all over the world visit his shrine and celebrate his birthday. Ali Day is celebrated in every city in India. Qawwali, ballads etc. are read in this. Along with this, cake, food, sherbet etc. are also distributed.
At the same time, Ali Day is being celebrated in Amhat, Sultanpur of UP for the last 10 years, the special thing in which is that not only Muslims but also non-Muslims participate in this program. Hazrat Ali’s thoughts on humanity are also remembered in this. This year also Ali Day was celebrated in Amhat. In this program, light was thrown on the life of Hazrat Ali in which it was told how Hazrat Ali always showed humanity even towards people of other religions. In this he considered him as his brother in terms of humanity. Not only did many senior Muslim scholars and Maulanas come to this program, but also non-Muslim people like Dr. Raj Jain of Jain religion, Brahmin Gulshan Pathak etc. participated.
This program is organized through Ghadiri Yuva Foundation, in which quiz competitions etc. were also conducted and awards were given. Every year Muslims celebrate on 13th day of Rajab. Many mosques are decorated. Qawwali is organized in Dargahs. Arrangements for food and drinks are made. People of Muslim community invite each other and share happiness.
Hazrat Ali ruled from 656 AD to 661 AD. Hazrat Ali is recognized for his bravery, justice, honesty and morality. It is believed that during his rule no one slept hungry and no one was treated unfairly. There are many such messages of Hazrat Ali, which people can adopt in their life to make life easier and better. He taught people the lesson of humanity in his life.
Special messages of Hazrat Ali
- The biggest crime is the one which is small in the eyes of the one who commits the crime.
- Education is the most precious thing and no one can steal this precious thing.
- If you respect someone because of his wealth then you have lost your respect.
- Hazrat Ali says that do not make any promise to anyone in happiness and do not take any decision in anger.
Hazrat Ali even gave divorce to this world, that is, if he wanted, he could have got every comfort, but he always gave whatever he had to the poor, orphans etc. and he lived with a very soft heart. He was so brave that he defeated many powerful wrestlers in the battlefield. Hazrat Ali had said that never attack women and children in war.
Prophet Mohammad Sahib loved Hazrat Ali very much. He had made Hazrat Ali his successor in the field of Gadir also. Hazrat Ali and Mohammad Saheb’s daughter Janabe Fatima Zahra also had two sons, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, who are also the second and third Imams of Shia Muslims. Hazrat Mohammad Sahib has also called both of them the leaders of heaven.
Born in the Holy Kaaba and martyred in the Mosque
Hazrat Ali was born in the holy Kaaba. His martyrdom took place in the Masjid of Kufa, Iraq, while fasting. When Hazrat Ali reached Masjid-e-Kufa for morning namaz on the 19th of Ramadan, terrorist Abdur Rahman attacked him while he was offering namaz, after which his 21st Ramzan was martyred. Was martyred.
After his departure from this world, people living on the streets also missed him a lot because he used to give food to every orphan and poor at night and when someone asked his name, he used to say that one brother should give food to another brother. Used to be.