You can keep your phone safe by following some easy tips.
There is now a few days left for Holi, the festival of colors. Holi has a lot of fun with water and color. During playing Holi, many times our attention is focused on the fact that water does not go into the phone. In such a situation, many times we are not able to enjoy Holi properly due to fear of malfunction. But now your tension is going to end. We are going to tell you some such tips that you will be able to play Holi without any trouble by keeping your smartphone together.
If we take a little care, we can save our phone from water and color. Now when only a few days of Holi are left, then you should arrange to keep your phone safe. If you can adopt some traditional methods for the safety of the phone in Holi, then some modern methods can also remove your tension.
Use Bluetooth device
If you get a lot of calls and you cannot leave your phone, then you can use wireless Bluetooth device while playing Holi. With this, you can enjoy Holi by keeping the phone away and you can also receive the calls when the necessary calls come. Most of the Bluetooth devices are waterproof, so that they will not be spoiled and the phone will also be safe.
Use tape
Many times it would have happened that we would have placed our phone in a table or another place, but still while playing Holi, it gets water. To protect the phone from deteriorating from such condition, you can use electric tapes in a place like a smartphone speaker, mike, charging port and headphone jack for some time. You can also put tape on the phone’s frame.
Use plastic bags
Nowadays there are many liquid protection bags available in the market to protect the phone from water. If you do not want to spend too much, then you can buy these bags. These liquid protection plastic bags are found in quite an affordable price. You can keep the phone in these pouches and keep it in your pocket and then play Holi without any tension.
Follow this traditional method
Till a few years ago, when anyone used to buy a new phone, lamination would be done on the phone first. Now there will be hardly anyone who provides lamination in smartphones. You can adopt the method of lamination to protect the phone from water while playing Holi. This option will protect your phone for very low cost.
Use waterproof screen protector
The display can deteriorate due to color on the phone screen while playing Holi. You can use a waterproof screen protector to protect your expensive phones. It is a quite a moving film that prevents water and color inside the screen. Along with this, it will not be scratched in your display by applying it.
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