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Friday, March 14, 2025

If you are feeling heaviness in your stomach after the New Year party, then relax yourself with these 5 yoga asanas.

Yoga, which benefits overall health, keeps the body active throughout the day and the digestive system also remains proper. Toxins start accumulating in red-blue cells, tissues and organs. This causes fatigue, headache, constipation and bloating.

With the beginning of the new year, every person takes many types of resolutions. Before starting those resolutions, it is also important to detox your body after the New Year party. This helps in detoxifying the toxins present in the body. In fact, consuming alcohol, oily and sugary foods in a party increases the risk of bloating, acidity and calorie intake in the body. In such a situation, apart from the substances presented above, yoga is also a great option to detoxify the body. Know 5 yoga asanas to debloat the body after New Year party (Yoga poses to debloat) ,

Yoga is beneficial for overall health. Apart from changing the breathing pattern, it helps in controlling the breath, balancing the body and concentration. Yoga, which benefits overall health, keeps the body active throughout the day and the digestive system also remains proper. With its help it helps in removing toxins. Actually, toxic substances start accumulating in red blood cells, tissues and organs. Due to this, the body has to face fatigue, headache, constipation and bloating. Yoga expert Bhavna Japatyani is telling the yoga asanas to be done to detox the body.

Benefits of debloating
Toxins start accumulating in red-blue cells, tissues and organs. Due to this, the body has to face fatigue, headache, constipation and bloating. Image :- Adobe Stock

5 yoga poses to debloat and relax the body

1. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Trikonasana is a very effective option to detoxify the body. This strengthens the stomach muscles and the toxic substances present in the body can be easily detoxified. Apart from this, the problem of bloating is also solved. Practicing it regularly benefits the body.

Learn the method of doing Trikonasana

  • To do this yoga asana, stand straight on the mat. Now maintain distance between both the legs.
  • After this, take the right leg towards the left. Now tilt the body to the left and hold the foot. Take your right hand up there.
  • During this, take deep breaths and keep the legs straight. Practice this yoga as per the capacity of the body.

2. Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx pose)

Doing Salamba Bhujangasana helps in removing the spasms that develop in the muscles of the body. This strengthens the shoulder muscles and solves the problem of indigestion. Practice this yoga asana done on the stomach as per your capacity.

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Learn the method of doing Salamb Bhujangasana

  • To do this, first of all lie down on the mat on your stomach and keep your back straight. Extend the arms forward.
  • Now bring the arms backwards by bending them at the elbows. After that, lift the upper part of the body and take the neck back.
  • During yoga, keep your feet on the ground. After that take a deep breath and exhale. Maintain control of breathing.
  • After keeping the body in ten postures for 30 seconds to 1 minute, leave the body loose.
Benefits of Shalabhasan
To strengthen the body’s immune system, practice Shalabhasana daily. Image Shutterstock

3. Gomukhsana (Cow pose)

Gomukhasana is called Kao Face Pose. With this, increasing stiffness and pain in the body can be removed. This helps in detoxifying the internal organs. Besides, mobility in the body increases and increasing stress in joints can be reduced. This increases the stretch in the stomach muscles, which increases blood circulation.

Learn the method of doing Gomukhasana

  • To do this, sit straight on the mat and keep your waist straight. Now take the right leg over the left leg.
  • Touch the left foot to the ground and straighten the neck. After this, take the right hand from the waist towards the back.
  • Now take the left hand back over the shoulders and try to hold the right hand. Due to this, flexibility in body parts increases.
  • Take a deep breath and then exhale. Remain in this posture for 30 seconds and then leave the body loose. This keeps the body active and healthy.

4. Bharadvajasana (Seated spinal twist pose)

Regular practice of Bhardwajasana proves beneficial to keep the body healthy and fit. This helps in colon cleansing and can also relieve stomach cramps. By doing this, body muscles get stretched, which boosts metabolism and also helps in weight loss.

Learn the method of doing Bharadvajasana

  • To do this, first of all sit in Sukhasana posture and take a deep breath and close your eyes.
  • After this, touch the right knee with the left hand. Take your right hand backwards. Now exhale slowly.
  • Keep the neck on the right side and remain in this posture as per the capacity of the body. Practicing it regularly proves beneficial.
how to debloat
By doing this, body muscles get stretched, which boosts metabolism and also helps in weight loss. Image :- Adobe Stock

5. Janu Shirshasana (Head to knee pose)

Practicing this yoga asana proves beneficial for increasing the stretch in the abdominal muscles. This solves respiratory problems and also strengthens digestion. In this posture of touching the head with the knees, the posture of the body starts improving and one gets relief from bloating.

Learn the method of doing Janu Shirshasana

  • To do this, sit straight on the mat and keep both the legs in front. Now bend the right leg at the knee.
  • Now turn the right leg inwards and touch the left inner thigh. During this, keep your back straight.
  • Bend the body from the waist and bring it forward and touch the head with the knees. Hold the foot with both hands.
  • Practice this yoga as per your capacity. This maintains the flexibility of the body.


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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