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Thursday, March 13, 2025

If you do not fall ill in winter, then definitely eat sesame seeds, we are telling you its 6 benefits for health.

Rich in nutrients and calcium, sesame seeds give extra strength to the bones. You can also understand this that 30 grams of sesame seeds contain approximately 22 percent calcium, 25 percent magnesium, 32 percent manganese and 21 percent zinc.

Many times we ignore the things around us. Considering that these are part of everyday life, what would be their importance? But we understand their importance only when we lack the same thing. Like salt, is considered very common. It becomes special when there is a deficiency of sodium in your body as per the medical report. Then you will start carefully looking for opportunities to eat salty things. I am talking about common and special things because today we are going to talk about one such common thing which is common but is very special from the point of view of your health. That is sesame seeds. From your immune system to your heart health (til ke fayde) sesame is very beneficial. Let us know how.

Benefits of sesame for health (til ke fayde for health)

1 Benefits of sesame for heart health (til ke fayde for healthy heart)

According to several reports People suffering from heart problems recover quickly from sesame seeds, which means sesame is beneficial for their health. The report says that sesame seeds contain 15 percent saturated fat. But in comparison, polyunsaturated fats are more (41%) and monounsaturated fats are 39 percent.

til is also good for the heart
Sesame seeds are beneficial for your health. Image: Shutterstock

It was said in the report that the presence of more of these fats in comparison to saturated fat makes sesame suitable for reducing cholesterol in the body, thereby avoiding the risk of heart related diseases.

2. Sesame seeds control blood pressure (til ke fayde to control blood pressure)

High blood pressure is a major reason due to which heart attacks occur. Magnesium is found in sesame seeds which can reduce blood pressure. For this reason, sesame seeds are very useful for high blood pressure patients.

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a study People with high blood pressure were fed 2.5 grams of sesame seeds daily in different ways. After one month, there was a 6 percent drop in the blood pressure of high blood pressure patients.

3. Sesame seeds nourish the bones (benefits of sesame for bone health)

This quality of sesame seeds is no less than a boon for people suffering from bone pain. Rich in nutrients and calcium, sesame seeds give extra strength to the bones. You can also understand this that 30 grams of sesame seeds contain approximately 22 percent calcium, 25 percent magnesium, 32 percent manganese and 21 percent zinc.

However, it is worth noting that apart from this, there are some other elements which dilute the properties of sesame seeds, hence if sesame seeds are roasted or boiled then the bones will get more benefit from it. So what are you waiting for, suggest sesame seeds to those people around you who are suffering from many types of pain due to lack of nutrition in the bones, which also includes joint pain.

4. Sesame seeds reduce swelling (Benefits of sesame seeds to reduce swelling)

Swelling is not always external. Sometimes this happens internally also. Sesame seeds are helpful in both the cases. Intake of one or two teaspoons of sesame seeds daily can help prevent any inflammation. Many times our liver, kidney or any other part of the body becomes swollen.

Sesame seeds can be useful here. Due to this property, it is also helpful in reducing obesity. If you are on the path to reducing obesity, then eating 10 to 20 grams of sesame seeds in any form daily can be beneficial for you.

5. Eat sesame seeds for good digestion (til ke fayde for Digestion)

Constipation has become a common problem in today’s life. Due to irregular daily routine and irregular eating habits, almost every third person is going through this problem.

In such a situation, sesame seeds can be useful to you here. Actually, sesame is rich in fiber. And fiber is helpful in stomach problems. In such a situation, if you are including sesame seeds in your diet daily, then you can get relief from all the problems related to digestion.

6 Will strengthen the immune system (til ke fayde for Immune System)

Sesame is capable of strengthening our immune system inside our body which helps us fight diseases. Actually, many nutrients (like zinc, iron, copper, vitamin B6) are found in sesame which are essential for the immune system. Sesame is helpful for this because of its properties.

benefits of sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are high in iron. Image: Shutterstock

Which sesame to eat, white or black (White sesame vs Black sesame)

It is true that the taste of black sesame is bitter as compared to white sesame but in terms of benefits, black sesame is more powerful. If black sesame is roasted, its bitterness goes away, if you want, you can try this recipe. If you are also eating white sesame seeds then keep eating them, with all its properties it will also make you healthy.

while going

It is true that sesame has many benefits but if you have any serious disease then do not rely on home remedies. Consult a doctor and take medicines. The mole will continue to do its work even with medicines. One more thing, take care of allergies. Some people are allergic to certain things due to which their body does not accept those things. You should also keep this in mind and if you are allergic to sesame then stay away from it.

Also read – Poor gut health is the home of more than half of the diseases, keep it healthy with these 6 tips


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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