We unknowingly adopt such habits due to which our dinner is not digested. Know about 8 such habits which can be adopted after dinner to keep digestion healthy.
By the year 2019, there were about 3 billion people who were suffering from stomach indigestion problems. Today, it is difficult to say whether this number has decreased after 5 years. One reason for this is that we forget to take care of our body in the changing lifestyle and hustle and bustle. Some people are unable to pay attention due to compulsion and some due to carelessness. Something similar happens during dinner. We unknowingly adopt such habits due to which our dinner is not digested. The result is that we become victims of many stomach related problems. Today we will tell you about 8 such habits We unknowingly adopt such habits due to which our dinner is not digested. 8 such habits (How to avoid bloating after meal) Know about the foods which can be consumed after dinner to keep digestion healthy. We are going to tell you which things you can adopt after dinner to keep your digestion healthy forever.
Adopt these habits after dinner (How to avoid bloating after meal)
1. Light Walk to avoid bloating
Walking after dinner is the best way for your digestion. one of sports medicine Report She says that after eating dinner, taking a walk balances the blood sugar in the body.
Taking immediate rest while sitting or lying down after eating can slow down digestion, which can cause problems with gas in the stomach. Therefore, after eating food, take a light walk for 10-15 minutes. This will help in digesting food properly and will also improve blood circulation in your body.
2. Drink warm water (Drink Warm Water to avoid bloating after meal)
To ensure proper digestion of dinner, drinking hot water after dinner is a good option. It not only improves digestion in the body but is also helpful in detoxifying the body. In fact, with the help of hot water, the flow of blood going to our intestines gets faster due to which the digestion process also gets faster. Apart from this, it also reduces indigestion, gas, and cramps inside the stomach. If you want to get more benefits of hot water, you can also add lemon juice to it and drink it.
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3. Chew cumin and coriander for digestion.
You must have often seen that in some restaurants, a plate of fennel is kept on the billing table. He is always there to remove the smell of food from his mouth. digestion Fennel is also effective in helping. Apart from this, cumin and coriander also speed up digestion. Therefore, chewing a little cumin and coriander after dinner is a good way to keep digestion healthy. Apart from digestion, they also provide relief from problems like stomach ache and cramps.
4. Ajwain Water (Drink Ajwain Water to avoid bloating after meal)
Celery accelerates stomach digestion and gas Provides instant relief from problems like. You can drink celery water after dinner or put a pinch of celery in hot water and drink it. By doing this regularly, you can get permanent relief from stomach problems.
5. Drink Herbal Tea
Drinking herbal tea after dinner is also beneficial for digestion. Herbal teas like mint, ginger, and basil help in digestion of food.
A report from Allied Market Research According to , these teas have anti-inflammatory properties which reduce swelling and heaviness in the stomach. Especially ginger tea which gives relief to the stomach after eating and helps in expelling gas.
6. Consume Digestive Enzyme Rich Foods
After dinner, eat foods that contain digestive enzymes to promote digestion. Both pineapple and papaya contain digestive enzymes like papain and bromelain that help digest food faster. These can be eaten after dinner.
7. Stay Stress Free
Don’t think that your mental health does not affect your physical health. if you even a little Tension If you are pregnant then you may also face problems in digestion after eating. Due to stress, the production of acid in our body increases which has a direct effect on digestion.
If you are stressed during or after eating food, then try methods like yoga and medication to relieve stress. Take deep breaths to reduce stress.
8. Avoid heavy exercise to avoid bloating after meal
One should avoid exercising too much after eating food. This may cause stomach pain and digestive problems. It is true that a short walk after meals helps in digestion but very strenuous exercise does the exact opposite. Therefore, avoid doing any strenuous work for 1-2 hours after eating.
Also read – If your stomach starts bloating after eating food, then try this age-old recipe, you will not have digestive problems.