You don’t need to do anything magical to add bounce to your skin, there are some simple home remedies that can add bounce to your skin texture just like baby skin.
With increasing age, or after prolonged exposure to external pollution, or after using skin care products containing various types of chemicals on the skin, a lot of changes occur in the skin. Especially the texture of the skin starts deteriorating. Due to poor skin texture, the skin looks very dull and the signs of aging also become more visible. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain skin elasticity to keep the skin texture bouncy and glowing (bouncy skin care). Otherwise your skin may age prematurely.
Although you don’t need to do anything magical to add bounce to your skin, there are some simple home remedies that will add bounce to your skin texture just like baby skin. At the same time, your skin looks very glowing and useful. So why don’t you also try these 5 remedies (bouncy skin care).
To add bounce to the skin, follow these 5 best skin care routines daily (bouncy skin care)
1. Keep skin fully hydrated
The most important thing for healthy and glowing skin is to maintain hydration in the body. When your body is fully hydrated, it fights the pollutants that damage your skin’s appearance, eliminating their effects. Additionally, hydration makes skin supple and elastic, making fine lines and wrinkles less visible over time. Water helps maintain the natural elasticity of your skin, giving you that baby bounce. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses (about 2 liters) or more of water per day.
2. Give yourself a face massage
Gently massage your face (or do facial exercises), thus stimulating your muscle tissue, which improves the amount of collagen in your skin and fights blemishes. Massage keeps your pores healthy, improves skin elastin, and keeps your skin looking young and glowing for longer.
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3. Follow a cleansing routine
Many people do not want to wash their skin with face wash again and again. Usually, using face wash too frequently strips the skin of its moisture, which encourages the skin pores to produce excessive oil. In such a situation, it is very important to adopt a healthy cleansing routine. Washing your face after sweating, first thing in the morning and right before bed, is one of the best cleansing methods to maintain skin health.
4. Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliating the skin not only keeps it smooth and soft, but it also stimulates collagen production. “Removing dead skin cells from the skin surface helps to achieve more glowing skin. At the same time, it encourages the production of collagen, which keeps the skin bounce and makes the skin look glowing.
5. Apply sunscreen daily
Choose sunscreen with SPF 15 or more, applying these reduces the risk of skin cancer. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays also prevents photoaging, which is a process of skin aging. Make sure to apply sunscreen every morning, even on rainy days.
6. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke
When your skin comes in contact with cigarette smoke, your face gets coated with all kinds of chemical toxins. This increases oxidative stress in your skin cells, which causes premature aging of the skin. If you smoke, try to avoid it completely to maintain skin health.
Adopt these special home remedies for bouncy and glowing skin texture (home remedies for bouncy skin)
1. Rice flour face pack
To make it you need: 2 tbsp rice flour, 1 tbsp orange peel powder and organic honey
prepare like this
In a clean bowl, mix rice flour, orange peel powder and honey together well.
Massage your face with this rice flour scrub.
Leave it for 15 minutes, then clean your face with normal water.
2. Honey and lemon mask
To make this you need: 1 tablespoon honey and 5 to 7 drops lemon juice
Prepare this face mask like this
Mix 1 teaspoon honey with a few drops of lemon juice well.
After mixing it well, apply it slowly on your face and neck.
Leave it for some time, then clean the skin with normal water.
3. Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E Face Mask
To make this you need : 2 tbsp aloe vera gel and 1 capsule vitamin E
Apply this face mask like this
Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your face daily as it soothes, repairs and hydrates the skin.
Prepare a nice paste by mixing one capsule of Vitamin E in aloe vera gel.
Now massage your skin with the help of this paste.
Use it every night before sleeping.
In the morning you will get a very glowing and bouncy skin.
4. Coconut Oil Massage
To make this you need :Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera Gel
Prepare this face mask like this
Prepare a smooth paste by mixing aloe vera gel in coconut oil.
Now take these on your palm and massage your skin in circular motion.
Its antioxidant properties will help you repair skin damage and promote natural glow in the skin.
5. Pack made of papaya and honey
For this you need : 2 teaspoons papaya pulp and 1 teaspoon honey
Make this face mask like this
Add 1 teaspoon honey in papaya pulp and mix them together to prepare a smooth paste.
Apply this paste on your face and massage the skin.
Then leave it for 20 minutes.
Finally, clean the skin with lukewarm water.
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