JAC Board 10th-12th Model Test Paper Out: Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC), Ranchi has released the model question papers for Class 10 (Matriculation) and Class 12 (Intermediate) board exams 2025. The purpose of model question papers is to help students understand the exam pattern and format of questions. Through these papers, students can know what type of questions can be asked in the examination and can plan their preparation accordingly. Solving model papers not only boosts the confidence of the students but also improves time-management and answer writing. These model question papers are available in PDF format for all subjects which students can download from the official website jacexamportal.in You can easily download it by visiting.
How to download JAC 10th and 12th model paper?
- First official website jacexamportal.in Go to.
- Click on the link “Model Question Paper for Exam 2025” on the homepage.
- Select your class (10th or 12th).
- Model question papers will appear on your screen in PDF file, download it.
When will JAC 10th-12th exams be held?
Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has announced the dates of class 10th (Matriculation) and 12th (Intermediate) board examinations. The examinations will start from 11 February 2025 and end on 3 March 2025. Class 10 (Matriculation) examinations will be conducted from 11th February to 3rd March. All papers for matriculation examination will be held in the morning session, the timing of which is scheduled from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm. The initial 15 minutes of the examination will be given to read the question paper, so that students can make better planning for answer writing. Admit card and other related information for Jharkhand Board Exam 2025 will be available soon on the official website of JAC.
How many marks are required to pass JAC Board?
According to the model question paper 2025 of Jharkhand Board, the examination of most of the subjects will be of total 80 marks, while the examination of Home Science will be of 70 marks. At the same time, class 12 board exams will also be mainly for 80 marks, but for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science, the exam will be for 70 marks. As per JAC Class 10 and 12 Model Paper 2025, the duration of the exam has been fixed at 3 hours. Students will have to score minimum 33% marks in each subject in theory and practical combined to pass.
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