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Loneliness is different from being alone, with these 10 tips you can be happy alone.

Friendship with oneself is very important. Some people call it loneliness. But in reality it is no less than a healthy relationship built by yourself. It is important to understand what is the difference between being alone and feeling lonely.

It’s completely normal to hang out with friends and party. But experiencing happiness while living alone is no less than a challenge. In this machine age where no one has time for other people. In such a situation, friendship with oneself is also very important. Some people call it loneliness. But in reality it is no less than a healthy relationship built by yourself. Is. But before focusing on the tips to stay happy alone, it is important to understand what is the difference between being alone and feeling lonely.

According to Paul Tillish’s book ‘The Eternal Now’, these two aspects of human loneliness have been sensibly understood in common colloquial language. According to this, the word loneliness has been created to express the pain of loneliness. At the same time, the word solitude has been created to express the importance of loneliness.

Being lonely is an emotional trigger.
The word loneliness has been created to express the pain of loneliness. Image- Adobe Stock

How being alone and feeling lonely are different states (Difference between stay alone and loneliness)

1. What is loneliness?

Regarding this, psychiatrist Dr. Aarti says that feeling lonely is a mental state, in which a person becomes a victim of depression and stress due to some mental problem. In such a situation, the person starts considering himself alone and isolates himself by separating from social contact. In this the person gradually starts reducing his interaction with other people. In fact, this is not a disease but a symptom of some problem.

2. What is the meaning of being alone?

According to Dr. Aarti, being alone is a physical condition. In this situation the person feels healthy. Also, to keep himself busy, he remains busy in different tasks. Also, even in loneliness, the mind experiences moist happiness.

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how to be happy alone
Alone is a physical condition. In this situation the person feels healthy.

With the help of these 10 tips, a person feels happy even when alone (How to stay happy alone)

1. Don’t compare yourself to other people

Different qualities are seen in every person. In such a situation, do not consider yourself inferior to other people. Due to this, tension starts increasing in the mind, due to which the person starts feeling weak and alone. To keep yourself strong even while being alone, self-motivate yourself and understand that you are unique and different from others.

2. Self love is important

Apart from showing love for others, it is also important to love yourself. With this the person starts understanding his importance and remains active every moment. Also, the absence of other people is not felt, due to which the person starts taking his own decisions.

tips to be happy alone
Take help of these tips to keep yourself happy. Image: Adobe Stock

3. Recognize your shortcomings and abilities

Instead of feeling lonely, move forward by identifying your capabilities. Due to this, the person tries to overcome his shortcomings and improve his qualities. In such a situation, the person remains free from stress and depression.

4. Do your favorite thing

To keep yourself happy in loneliness, engage yourself in some favorite activity. To keep yourself busy, do cooking, painting, writing, shopping and trekking. This keeps the person away from stress. You also get a chance to learn something new.

painting is in demand
Creative activities like coloring or making collages like doodling can help you relax. Image: Shutterstock.

5. Maintain physical activity

By exercising regularly, happy hormones start getting released in the body, which helps in maintaining good physical and mental health. Along with this, one also gets relief from the increasing negativity in the mind. In such a situation, include walking, cycling, high intensity exercise, meditation and yoga in your routine.

6. Spend time close to nature

Walking in the morning and evening increases peace and tranquility in the mind. Besides, the thoughts arising in the mind can also be dispelled. A person feels happy by breathing open air. Apart from this, outdoor activities also prove beneficial in keeping the mind relaxed.

7. Plan a solo outing

It is very important to give yourself time to find your happiness. Plan a solo trip for this. In this, a person can take out time for himself as per his wish. Also starts enjoying loneliness. In this, the person’s dependence on other people starts decreasing.

Ghumna-firna is beneficial for your overall health.
It is very important to give yourself time to find your happiness. Plan a solo trip for this. Image: Shutterstock

8. Set your goals

It is not necessary that a lonely person can always be a victim of stress. If the feeling of doing something is growing intensely within you, then you can easily achieve your goals. To keep myself happy (How to stay happy alone? Set goals according to your capacity.

9. Learn to be satisfied in life

Running after new things every time starts creating stress and anxiety in the person. In such a situation, a person starts feeling depressed considering himself alone. To come out of this problem, forget what is not there and try to celebrate even the smallest success in life. In this way the person starts feeling blessed. This increases the feeling of satisfaction in life.

10. Maintain positive thinking

Before doing any work, it is necessary to find positivity in it instead of examining its negative aspects. With this, the person starts moving forward in life and keeps distance from the negativity spread in the surrounding environment.


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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