America has never called India a terrorist for slaughtering Muslims. He called Muslims panic. This jihad was named panic. And Bush cried out of the whole world and said that this is the biggest issue in the world. Let’s all together eliminate this panic. This battle was started in 2001 by making an excuse for 9/11 in the name of panic.
I say, how crazy these people are (America). He did not learn a lesson from himself either. What was the condition when you came to Afghanistan in 13 years. Now you are going after defeating. Will India save you? Insha Allah will not be able to save anyone.
Hafiz Saeed
Lashkar-e-Taiba kingpin
The issue will not remain till Srinagar again. This issue went to Pathankot. Will go beyond that. If the war that is happening in Kashmir, if it moves forward, then there will be a big threat to India.
August 2015, Hafiz Saeed
Lashkar kingpin
Modi should immediately solve the issue of Kashmir. If it is not ready to do this, Insha Allah will be Kashmir Darwaza and will fill Gajwa e Hind Parwan. Nawaz Sharif, I give you the command of Allah, if Modi is not ready on Kashmir, then you (terrorists) stand for help.
August 2015, Hafiz Saeed
Instead of fighting Muslims inside the brothers, Iraq and Sham (Iran), I make you a party that you are sitting close to the Israeli border. Go to the Israeli Jews brick with the brick.
August 2015, Hafiz Saeed
This war continues. Modi Insha Allah, we will fight this. And Insha Allah, we will also win this war in Kashmir. We will also win this war in Hyderabad. Will win every battle.
December 2018, Hafiz Saeed
This poisoning is of Hafiz Saeed. The kingpin of Lashkar-e-Taiba (Let). Mastermind of Mumbai attack. America, a global terrorist in Pakistan with open threats to Israel. Is this tongue silent forever? The news of her killing her close to Abu Katal in Pakistani Punjab on social media is viral. How much truth is there in this, it is not clear yet. Hafiz is being claimed to be alive from some Pakistani social accounts. Earlier in 2024, there was news of poisoning Hafiz, which did not come out.
The mastermind of the Mumbai attack and the name of terror in Kashmir is Hafiz Saeed. To show the world, Pakistan sometimes kept him under house arrest, sometimes arrested. But he always remained the star of the rulers there. From Nawaz to Imran, he openly provoked Pakistani rulers against India from the forums. America also kept challenging Israel.
‘No one can touch Mai’s red Hafiz’
When his terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba was banned, then he took a way out. Wearing a Chola of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Your poisonous speeches against India have been filled with YouTube and social media. The proof of how Hafiz has been raised in Pakistan, this is the video, when the Minister of Imran government was captured in the camera saying about this world’s most wanted terrorist saying that no one can touch Mai Ka Lal Hafiz Saheb. See…
Pakistan Govt Promies Security & Protection to 26/11 Mastermind, Un-Designated Terrorist #Hafizsaeed,
PM @Imrankhanpti‘s minister of state @Shehryarafridi11 Caught on a leaked video making the commitment to Radical Mullahs in a Closed-DOOR.
– tarek fatah (@Tarekfatah) December 18, 2018
What are the plans of Hafiz about India (if he is still alive), it can be understood by listening to his speeches. Not only Kashmir, he talks about war till Hyderabad. Hafiz Saeed took a step in the world of terror in the late 1970s. He went to Afanistan for training in terror. At that time Calca was rooting there.
Hafiz becomes Laden’s ‘Guru Bhai’
In Afghanistan, Hafiz caught Bin Laden’s Guru Abdullah Azam. Azam was busy preparing the nursery of Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan in those days. After completing the training of terror, in 2005, he planned to send the fighters being prepared in the camps of Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan on mission to other countries. The mission of his panic in Kashmir had started by then.
Lashkar of terror prepared in Pakistan
Hafiz traveled to Saudi Arabia. Lashkar terrorists made blue prints of infiltration into Iraq. In 2006, Saeed started strengthening terrorist camps in Pakistan. Along with the school of terror, he also started working to raise funds from abroad. Saeed sent an operative of Lashkar to Europe for money jugaad. In June 2006, a Lashkar camp was built in Quetta to help the Taliban in Afghanistan.
It was also surprising that Hafiz kept challenging America openly to America, but he could not spoil him except to put it in jail (read government hospitality). In 2008, the United Nations declared Lashkar -e -Taiba (LeT) kingpin Hafiz as a global terrorist. In 2012, the United Nations offered a reward of US $ 10 million to the informer, so that Hafiz Saeed could be captured by the law.
Hafiz interfers to Pakistan’s politics
In December 2001 and April 2008, the United Nations declared its organizations Lashkar and Jamaat-Ut-Dawa as Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). On 25 November 2017, the White House strongly criticized the release of Hafiz in Pakistan in a statement. He was asked to arrest and prosecute him. The US State Department also expressed deep concern over the release of Hafiz Saeed on 24 November 2017. However, it did not affect Pakistan’s rulers. Hafiz’s interfering in Pakistan’s politics can be gauged from the fact that in the 2024 general election of Pakistan, he was again wearing a political chola, a Pakistani Markji Muslim League (PMML) party and fielded his candidates. He also fielded his son Tahila Saeed, but he lost.
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