Air quality will be monitored during the destruction of Union Carbide waste at the incinerator plant in Pithampur. Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board has installed four air quality instruments in the campus. Apart from this, a Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station has also been installed by the company to measure the air quality in the premises.
By Udaypratap Singh
Published Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 09:45:06 AM (IST)
Updated Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 09:51:37 AM (IST)
- Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board has installed these special equipments in the premises.
- There will be continuous monitoring of the gases present in the smoke coming out of the chimney.
- Air quality information will be displayed in front of the company premises.
Uday Pratap Singh, Naiduniya, Indore (Union Carbide Waste Disposal). While destroying the waste of Union Carbide factory, the air will be monitored with air quality instruments around the waste incinerator plant at Pithampur. Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board has installed four devices around the premises of Re-Sustainability Company.
Through this, dust particles, gases and other elements in the air will be examined. Apart from this, the company has already installed a Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station in the premises to measure air quality. Its figures are displayed 24 hours at the company main gate.
Monitoring of smoke gases
There will also be continuous monitoring of the gases emitted from the smoke coming out of the chimney of the incinerator. In such a situation, people passing through the road in front of the company’s premises will also be able to get real time information about air quality.
Three were installed in Bhopal also
If the results do not fall within the prescribed standard range, changes will be made in the process. It is noteworthy that when the process of collecting and loading Union Carbide’s waste was started in Bhopal, the Pollution Control Board had installed three air quality meter instruments in the premises there.
Chemicals will be added to Union Carbide’s waste to control harmful elements.
Before putting Union Carbide’s waste into the incinerator, other chemicals will be added to control the harmful elements present in it.
- To control heavy metals present in the waste, sodium sulphide will be added.
- For Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Control: Activated Carbon
- For pH control: Lime
Waste ash will be kept in special landfill
The ash remaining after burning will be dumped in the landfill in the same premises of the Re-Sustainability Company premises in Pithampur, where the Yuca waste will be destroyed.
A special landfill for yuca waste has been created on the campus. This cell will be kept in double layer high density polythene. In this way this residue will remain safely in the landfill for years.
four secure landfill cells
It is noteworthy that four safe landfill cells have been created in the company’s plant to store the ash (residue) remaining after destroying industrial and other types of waste in the ground.
This landfill has been built on the upper part of the plateau in the campus. Apart from other cities of Madhya Pradesh, garbage from the state of Chhattisgarh comes to the company’s plant for destruction.
Remains present in garbage reached Pithampur in 12 containers from Bhopal
- total quantity : 337 tons
- with residual soil : 162 tons
- reactor remains : 29 tons
- semi process residue : 54 tons
- naphthalan : 92 tons