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Push Button Phone Day: Why dialing a phone by pressing a button is better than a smartphone? What is its connection with mental health?

If we have to make a call anywhere, we immediately dial the number after seeing the person’s name from the touch screen. Not only this, technology has become so advanced that now if you speak to the phone and tell your name, the number gets automatically dialed on the mobile. Technology may have left behind bulky phones and keypad screens, but even today people have not forgotten the landline phone. People would often talk to each other for hours by pressing its buttons and if the line was cut, it would take weeks to get fixed, which troubled them. In olden times, there used to be 10 members in the house but there was only one landline phone and when the bell rang, its sound would echo in the entire locality. Many times the neighbour’s relatives also used to call. Blank calls were also very troubling. After this, button keypad mobiles started coming. These are now called dump phones because people stopped using them. But now their demand has started increasing in many countries around the world. Today is 18th November and this day Push Button Phone Day Is celebrated as.

Telephone was made 148 years ago
The telephone was invented 148 years ago by Scottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell. On March 10, 1876, he made a telephone call for the first time. Landline telephone came to India in 1882. But the technology of dialing the phone by pressing buttons came in 1940. It started from the state of Pennsylvania in America. However, work on the concept of push button had started in 1887. Earlier, numbers were written in circles on landlines, which had to be rotated in circles.

The era of dump phones is returning
Button mobile phones have been named dump phones because no one uses them like smartphones. BBC According to the report, parents are now buying these phones again in many western countries including Britain. A campaign is being run where governments are being demanded to fix the minimum age for using smartphones. In fact, children all over the world including India have now become addicted to smartphones. He is spending hours on the phone. In such a situation, to save their time and concentrate on important things, parents themselves are using dump phones and are giving them these push button mobiles. There are only limited tools on these mobiles including messages, calls, maps, due to which children do not pay attention to social media. Parents who have done this shared their experience and said that their child is now living in the real world and is spending more time with the family.

Stay away from virtual chat
Dump phones or button phones are not equipped with advanced technology, hence no social media app can be downloaded on them. Due to this, people stay away from chatting with virtual people and start being social. Come in contact with new people. While connection with people makes them emotionally strong, they also get good friends in life. psychiatrist priyanka srivastava She says that when people talk among themselves, new ideas come to their minds. Their discussion becomes productive. Such people invest their energy in new things which increases their productivity.

The mind is creative
While smartphones are controlling the mind, button phones are making the person creative. However, creativity has no direct connection with these phones. Phones with buttons do not entertain people nor keep them engaged always, in such a situation a person involves himself in those things to fulfill his hobbies. Dance class, gardening, painting, singing, travelling. This makes their mind creative and this is very important for the health of the brain. Due to this, the person does not remain under stress and his mental health remains good.

Nokia launched the first touch screen smartphone in India in 2004 (Image-Canva)

sleep well
Nowadays, every person keeps scrolling and watching reels on his smartphone before sleeping at night, due to which midnight passes. Some people spend the night watching movies on OTT. Whereas night sleep is very important. At night, a hormone called melatonin is released from our body which causes sleep. In such a situation, if the mobile is used, its blue light disturbs the sleep. varievel mind According to this, the problem of depression and loneliness can be cured by spending only 30 minutes on social media every day. In such a situation, dump phones can prove helpful for good sleep. With these dump phones, a person remains in a healthy routine while living in the real world.

memory increases
While use of smartphone is the enemy of memory, dump phones, landline i.e. button phones do not affect the memory. These provide tasks to the brain. This is just like memorizing things by writing helps in remembering things quickly. If a number is dialed by pressing it with hands, the number gets remembered in the mind. Whereas phone numbers are not dialed like this in smartphones.

Tags: Mental diseases, Mental Health Awareness, mobile apps, Mobile Phone, smart phones, Smartphone

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Brijesh Kumar
Brijesh Kumarhttp://Newstiger.in
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