In the Raisina Dialogue 2025 held in New Delhi, India’s Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar attacked the dual policies of western countries. He highlighted the hypocritical attitude of Western countries on sensitive issues like Kashmir and Afghanistan, causing a new debate in global politics.
Western countries’ hypocrisy on Kashmir issue
Jaishankar strongly criticized the attitude of Western countries on the Kashmir issue. He reminded that Pakistan had invaded Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Ladakh soon after India’s independence in 1947. Despite this, Western countries presented this invasion as a regional dispute, making the invader and the victim stand at the same level. Jayashankar, especially taking the names of Australia, Canada, Belgium, Britain and America, said that these countries ignored India’s appeal in the United Nations and attacked the invader Pakistan.
Contradictory attitude of Western countries in Afghanistan
In the context of Afghanistan, Jaishankar questioned the changing trend of western countries. He told how the Taliban leaders were welcomed in Doha and Oslo processes, while the same leaders are now being criticized. He took a pinch and said that the Talibans who were once considered extremists, are now seen in suit-tie, yet they are seen as serious international concerns.
Pointing to hypocrisy in global system
Jaishankar pointed to hypocrisy in global politics, saying that the nations often wear diplomatic cholas on unresolved issues. He said that just as governments work to maintain system in their country, similarly this should be done globally. Giving an example of the dual policy of Western countries in matters related to Global South (developing countries), he explained how the invasion of India’s land by Pakistan turned into a regional dispute by Western countries.
Question on the role of Western countries
Jaishankar emphasized the role of Western countries to convert Pakistan’s attack on Kashmir into a diplomatic dispute. He said, ‘We went to the United Nations for an attack. It was turned into a dispute… The attacker and the victim were made equal. Who were the guilty side? Australia, Canada, Belgium, Britain and America. ‘
Pointing to hypocrisy in international diplomacy
Jayashankar pointed to hypocrisy in international diplomacy, saying that countries like Australia, Canada, Belgium, Britain and America were involved in this misunderstanding. He reminded how India’s appeal in the United Nations was also blamed equally, while the real attacker was Pakistan.
Commenting on Afghanistan, Jaishankar also criticized the inconsistent attitude of Western countries. He drew attention to the contradictory situation where the same Taliban leaders were welcomed in the Doha and Oslo processes that are now being condemned for the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. He took a pinch and said how the Taliban, who was once considered extremist, is now in suit-tie, yet he is seen as a serious international concern.
Draw attention to contradictions in global politics
Jaishankar’s remarks pointed attention to the ongoing contradictions in global politics, where the nations often wear a diplomatic chola on unresolved issues. He said that it is time that international communities bring stability and fairness to their policies, so that global challenges can be faced effectively.
Need for debate on dual policies of western countries
This speech of Jaishankar has revived the debate on the dual policies of western countries on the international stage. It is important that the global community seriously consider these issues and move forward with fairness, so that a permanent and equitable world system can be established.
S. This speech given in Raishankar’s Raisina Dialogue 2025 has launched a significant discussion on hypocrisy and double standards in international politics. It is necessary that global leaders introspect on these issues and work together for the establishment of a fair and permanent global system.