Hindu organizations staged a large number of protests after permission to carry Muslims cooked meat on the holy Thiruparnakundram hill located in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Thousands of Hindus staged a protest at Palakknatham in Madurai on Tuesday (4 February) following a court order. Actually, the ancient temple on the Thiruparnakundram hill here is located in the Murugan Temple, but the Muslims are describing the entire hill as the property of Waqf.
The Muslim community has built a darwah on this hill, which is right next to the Murugan temple. They want to take the goat and rooster to cut there. There has been a lot of ruckus in the past. After this, the police have banned the sacrifice by taking a living goat or cock. However, Muslims can eat cooked meat there. This has caused people from the Hindu community to be bifted.
In view of the opposition of Hindu organizations, the District Officer imposed Section 144 in the area and banned the arrival of people of the Hindu community. After this the Hindu Munani organization against it Madras high court Reached and asked for permission to protest against this decision. The court allowed protest from 5 pm to 6 pm on 4 February and ordered the administration to prepare for it.
After getting permission from the court, more than 50 including Hindu Munnani, Hindu Front, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, RSS, BJP Hindu organizations Demonstrated against it. Members of Hindu organizations waved with a saffron flag in their hands and shouted slogans of Hindu deities. Its video is going viral on social media. In view of the protest, more than 3500 policemen were deployed there.
Hindu Voices Roaring in Tamilnadu!
Against the IZZLAMICS Attempted Take Over & their Anti Hindu Dravidian Support.#Thiruparankundram The Sacred Kandhar Malai, Belongs to our Lord Murugan & Hindus Alone.@hindumunnani_tn is going all out to protect our fath, pic.twitter.com/0XPkiangje
Sangitha varier
(@Variersangitha) February 4, 2025
At the same time, Indian Union Muslim League MP Nawaz Kani spoke to police officers. Kani said that the process should be restored to take goats and chickens above the hill and sacrifice, cook and eat them. Muslims claim that Dargah Sikandar Badushah Thjugai Pallivasal, located near the Murugan temple on the hill, was built by Sultan Sikandar about 400 years ago.
In the midst of this, DMK Manapparai MLA Abdul Samad claimed it on 21 January, claiming the informal survey of the hill, as Muslims. Describing the hill as ‘Alexander Pahari’, Kani claimed that it is the property of Waqf and every Muslim has the right to pray here on his own. He said that sacrificing organisms above the hill is an old tradition and it should continue.
Please tell that there are not only the ancient Murugan temple temple, but also Jain caves of the second century BC. There are also records in the Brahmi script on this. Jain caves located in this hill also gave green color by fundamentalists. Apart from this, there is also a Shiva temple here. Now Muslims are constantly trying to officially make this ancient and holy hills ‘Alexander Pahari’.
This effort has been happening for several decades. In 1931, the Islamists claimed that this hill said that this hill Property of Muslims And its name is ‘Sikander Hills’. On 12 May 1931, the Privy Council took cognizance of the case and said that Thiruparnakundram Temple has proved its historical possession on the empty parts of the hill and has considered it its property for generations.