There are many dangers of high cholesterol in the body and sometimes these dangers even extend to heart diseases. But there are some habits which we can adopt in the morning to avoid high cholesterol.
Taking care of health is becoming a distant dream in the changing lifestyle. Harmful food and disorganized daily routine give rise to many problems in our body. One of them is high cholesterol. Increasing cholesterol has its own dangers and sometimes these dangers also extend to heart diseases. But there are some habits (morning habits to reduce cholesterol) which we can include in our morning routine to avoid problems like high cholesterol.
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat found in our body. It is necessary for the production of cells, hormones and vitamin D in the body. It is present in our blood only. But its increase can be dangerous for us and it can also lead us to heart diseases.
Actually there are two types of cholesterol in our body. Good and bad. Good cholesterol is called HDL and cholesterol which is harmful to the body is called LDL. When LDL becomes dominant in the body, cholesterol level increases and we are at risk of other diseases.
Risks of high cholesterol
According to General Physician Dr OP Rai, people generally ignore high cholesterol considering it a small problem but this problem leads us to big dangers. As –
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1. Heart diseases- High cholesterol affects our blood flow, which increases the risk of heart diseases. Sometimes it also becomes the cause of heart attack.
2. Stroke- Due to high cholesterol, blood circulation in the brain is also affected. because of this mind stroke The risk increases.
3. High blood pressure – Excessive cholesterol can increase blood pressure and you can become a victim of high blood pressure problem.
4. Effect on kidneys- Since cholesterol is present in our blood, sometimes cholesterol also affects the kidneys because kidneys play an important role in purifying our blood.
5. Pain in legs- Due to increase in cholesterol, our veins start shrinking which can cause pain in many parts of the body. Foot pain is the most common among these.
Those 6 habits which you can adopt in the morning to avoid high cholesterol (morning habits to reduce cholesterol)
1. Lemon with lukewarm water (Lemon water in morning habits to reduce cholesterol)
Drinking fresh lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water in the morning promotes the detoxification process of the body. This habit not only activates your digestive system but also helps in keeping your liver healthy. A report from the Journal of Basic and Applied Science According to, lemon contains Vitamin C which helps in removing toxins from the body and is also helpful in controlling cholesterol level (morning habits to reduce cholesterol). Lemon juice removes excess fat and cholesterol from your body.
2. Oats or fiber in breakfast (Oats and Fiber rich foods)
Fiber is found in abundance in oats. A research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition It says that foods rich in fiber control cholesterol (morning habits to reduce cholesterol). Oats contain a special type of fiber called beta-glucan.
This fiber helps in reducing cholesterol level. Eating oats increases good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Along with oats you can also add fruits and seeds or you can oats Can also be taken with milk, curd or fruits. Apart from this, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are also a good source of fiber which keeps your heart healthy.
3. Exercise (Add Exercise in morning habits to reduce cholesterol)
Doctor OP Rai says, morning exercise is best to reduce cholesterol. Doing light exercise like brisk walking, yoga, swimming, or cycling is a great way to control cholesterol. By being physically active, blood circulation in the body remains good, which helps our heart also healthy Remains. Because of this, excess cholesterol gets removed from the body. Apart from this, during exercise, the level of endorphins (which are hormones of happiness) increases in the body, which also reduces stress. Stress is also a reason for increasing cholesterol, hence exercise is a better option to reduce cholesterol (morning habits to reduce cholesterol).
4. Nuts and Almonds
Nuts like walnuts and almonds contain monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which are very beneficial for heart health. These nuts help in controlling cholesterol level, as well as increase the good cholesterol (HDL) level in the body.
Apart from this, both walnuts and almonds contain antioxidants which reduce inflammation in the body and also control blood pressure. Eating 1 handful of walnuts and almonds every morning is a good way to reduce cholesterol (morning habits to reduce cholesterol).
5. Green tea (Add green tea in morning habits to reduce cholesterol)
conducted on 1136 people In 14 trials of studies By drinking green tea daily, people’s cholesterol level was reduced by 7.20 mg/dl. In fact
Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help flush out excess cholesterol from the body. Apart from this, drinking green tea daily improves blood circulation in the body due to which fat in the body also reduces. in green tea catechins Which burn fat in the body. And if you drink it every morning, you will feel fresh throughout the day.
6. Reduce Stress
One Report According to , the risk of high cholesterol was higher in those people who had stress problems. During times of stress, a hormone called cortisol is released due to which cholesterol increases. Therefore, if you want to keep cholesterol low then first of all Tension Try to reduce. For this, include activities like meditation, yoga (morning habits to reduce cholesterol) in your daily routine. Taking deep breaths in and out continuously for ten minutes in the morning is also a great way.
Also read – If you are struggling with high cholesterol, then these 5 things are poison for you, know what you have to eat and what not.