The sense of toxic masculinity has to show the best and less to others. But by doing this, they put the front in trouble. They are also making deep wells for their own mental health.
The word like toxic masculinity is not new to us. In the coming days, people around us show such habits or such symptoms that make others uncomfortable, especially women. Broadly, this sentiment has to be the best and the male zat to show the best and others. But by doing this, they put the front in trouble. They are also making deep wells for their own mental health. Today we are going to understand what are the big symptoms of toxic masculinity and how it is not only a threat to women, but it is equally threatened for men who are moving like a glow.
Signs of Toxic Masculinity
1. suppressing emotions
First of all, Signs of Toxic Masculinity is that toxic masculinity advises men to hide their feelings. For example, if a man feels sorrow or fear, then tell him that he hides it. You must have often heard of “Should a man not cry”? This is the thinking that promotes this mindset.
When men press their real feelings, their mental pressure increases inside. By doing this, they harm themselves. And this false masculinism becomes toxic for them.
2. Always want to win (signs of toxic masculinity)
Another thing is – always winning pressure. Under toxic masculinity, men are expected to win in every situation, be the best in every field, and never give up.
In such a situation, many things also go to the extent that talks about killing and giving up to the extent. When this feeling is born then why should I help someone, I cannot lose to anyone, like things also come out. This directly affects their mental health.
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3. Signs of Toxic Masculinity
It is wrong to assume that this poison remains confined to men only. For this reason, gender interiors also take birth in the society. Through this, men are also told to control women. It is also a part of this mindset to consider women to be always weak. For this reason, it also affects the lives of others and then such people also have trouble in any relationship.
4. Signs of Toxic Masculinity
This value (signs of toxic masculinity) has been taken that the physical texture of men should always be strong. The only men with muscles are ideal men, while it also comes under the purview of toxic masculinity.
Most of the victims of this are also men because due to not being fit in this structure, additional mental pressure dominates them. Due to this, serious diseases such as anorexia or body dismorphia are also born. Because of this, the victims are unable to accept their original image and how they are looking for how they are visible.
Impact of toxic masculinity (impacts of toxic masculinity)
1. Toxic masculinity affects mental health)
Report of an institution named Scholar Commons It is said that it affects the most on their own mental health which are victims of signs of toxic masculinity. Such a sentence that a man should not be emotional, or should not ask for help. Due to these, people start trying to control emotions and its results come up as mental problems.
People suffering from such mentality many times avoid seeking help even at a time when they really need help and then results in depression, angel or any other mental problem (signs of toxic masculinity). Many times its effects can also go to suicide.
2. Impact on social relations
The bad thing about the habit of considering yourself as super is that it can make you less social. If you do not ask for help from anyone, nor talk to anyone, who would like to join you. Toxic toxic masculinity is one such thing. Women will especially hesitate to you, whom you will consider below or less than you. Then, who would like to make such a man his friend who instead of expressing his emotions, has been taught that you are a man and keep your emotions under control.
3. Promotion of Gender Inequality
And then toxic masculinity also increases gender inequality in society. When men are expected to control strict and control women or other gender people, it also affects women. This thinking teaches men to control women and consider them weak.
And for this reason, many times women have to face serious consequences at work place or even in homes. A report by web md It says that this mentality goes to domestic violence many times. Socially, toxic masculinity is also a major reason for violence with women.
How can this ‘disease’ be avoided (treatment of toxic masculinity)
1. To encourage sensitivity
It is very important to give men an opportunity to express their feelings. Society needs to teach that this is not a signs of toxic masculinity, but it is a sign of strength that you are able to accept and express your real feelings. It has to be kept saying again and again that for a good mental health, you have to express your emotions or else you will go to a mentally ill.
2. Definition to change
To change toxic masculinity, we need to re -create the definition of masculinity (signs of toxic masculinity) because everything has started from where it is believed that if there is a man then it is superior. The definition in which it is told that being a man does not mean to be powerful, but it is also that a man understands, accepts his feelings and treats others with equality.
A report by scholar common According to such people are in the case of toxic masculinity, they consider women as objects in sexual relationships. In such a situation, it is necessary to make them realize that in any relationship girls are their equal partners.
3. Focus on physical and mental health
Such people who are in the spirit of this feeling, tell them that this is the wrong toxic masculinity. Any benefit of this is not only, but mostly its disadvantages. Apart from this, it also has long -longing disadvantages.
A report by University of Washington According to it, it is necessary to be treated, but before that it is necessary to make that person realize that there is a problem in his conduct. Then he can be overcome with his mental counseling. If this is not done, its effects can be terrible because such a person starts harming himself in his conceit.
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