Leprosy is counted in chronic disease. The disease begins to spread from mycobacterium lepre or mycobacterium lapomatosis bacteria. Its effect starts appearing on the skin, eyes, nose and thrott, including the brain and spinal cord.
Leprosy means leprosy spreads through such a bacterial infection, which causes white stains to appear on the body. There are many questions in the minds of people about this disease, due to which many myths are spread in the society. However, it has seen a decline rapidly than the past years. There was a time when people suffering from this disease were seen inferioritywards and they face discrimination but with the changing times, there is increasing awareness in the legs. World Leprosy Day was celebrated every year on the death anniversary of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi. Let us know from experts on World Leprosy Day (World Leprosy Day) answers to some important questions related to this disease.
World Leprosy Day was started in 1954 by French journalist Raul Folereu. In India, this day is celebrated on 30 January on Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary (Leprosy Day in India) and people are made aware of the disease.
World Leprosy Day 2025 (World Leprosy Day 2025)
In fact, leprosy Day was started on the basis of the purpose of leprosy prevention and awareness on January 30, on January 30, the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The purpose of this day, showing the dedication and service of Mahatma Gandhi towards the leprosy, was to make people aware of this disease. In the year 2025, World Leprosy Day Theme is united, work and eliminate leprosy.
According to the report of the Press Information Bureau, the number of new patients of Leprosy in the year 2021 22 was 75,394. The number of these patients was 125,785 less compared to 2014.15.
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Gandhiji’s tendency towards leprosy (Gandhiji on LeProsy)
Gandhiji specially supported the elimination of leprosy from the root and liberating people from this stegma i.e. Kanlak. He believed that this disease is not incurable and people suffering from it should not be kept separate, which affects their mental health. At the age of just 13, he first came in contact with a leprosy patient. Over time, Gandhiji’s ideas for this disease changed and he supported modern medicine rather than natural remedies.
What is leprosy and how it spreads (What is LeProsy disease)
Leprosy is counted in chronic disease. The disease begins to spread from mycobacterium lepre or mycobacterium lapomatosis bacteria. Its effect starts appearing on the skin, eyes, nose and thrott, including the brain and spinal cord.
According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence rate of leprosy in India declined from 0.69 per 10,000 population in 15 to 0.45 in 2021 22. India aims to make itself a leprosy free country by 2027.
Usually, there are many questions about leprosy in people’s minds. In this regard, Consultant General Physician Dr. Ankit Patel and Ayurvedic Expert Dr. Ankur Tanwar are telling the answers to the questions related to leprosy.
Leprosy Answers to questions related to the disease (F & Q on LeProsy Disease)
1. Is white stain leprosy
It is not necessary that every white stain is leprosy. White stains can occur for many reasons, such as eczema or psoriasis, skin allergies or sensitivity, vitamin deficiency, skin infection. Apart from this, only when you go to the doctor, you can be given the right diagnosis and treatment. Although it can also be caused by leprosy but there are other reasons for this, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.
2. What does it mean when leprosy is white
This means that there is an infection due to bacteria on the skin. This infection can also affect skin veins and other organs. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time. If you seem to have white or pink stains or wounds on the skin, contact the doctor immediately.
3. Does white stains spread by touching the disease
it’s not like that at all. Actually, white stains do not spread by touching the disease. This disease is caused by bacteria called mycobacterium lepre and this bacteria is not airborne. Many other methods spread this problem, such as getting into direct contact with bacteria, long stay with a person infected with bacteria, spreads by sharing food or beverages with a person infected with bacteria. However, it is important that you behave carefully with a person suffering from leprosy and wash your hands thoroughly before coming in contact with them.
4. Which organ is affected by leprosy
This disease can affect many organs, such as white or pink stains or wounds on the skin. This also affects the veins, they can cause numbness, tingling and pain. This problem can also affect the eyes. It may cause vision deficiency or eye pain. Leprosy can affect the lungs, which can cause problems in breathing and also affect bones. It can cause bones pain and weakness.
5. Is white stain untouchability disease
No, white stain is not a disease of untouchability. It is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called mycobacterium lepre, but it does not spread by touching. However, due to misconceptions and discrimination about leprosy, it is often considered a disease of untouchability. But it is important that we get the correct information about this disease and show sympathy and support with persons suffering from leprosy.
6. What is the panacea treatment of white stains
White stains i.e. leprosy can be treated with antibiotics. These treatment is usually given as multidrig therapy ie MDT, which contains two or three antibiotics. These drugs are usually given from 6 months to 1 year.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity and type of leprosy. Apart from this, skin care, nerves care, muscle care, eye care are essential in the treatment of leprosy. It is important that you contact a qualified doctor to treat leprosy and follow their instructions.
(Tagstotranslate) World Leprosy Day 2025 (T) Gandhi ji’s tendency towards leprosy (T) Gandhiji’s tendency towards leprosy (T) Answers to questions related to leprosy (T) World Leprosy Day Theme (T) Leprosy day in India