Diabetes is a metabolic disease. Lack of insulin hormone in the body increases the risk of diabetes. Overweight, wrong eating habits and lack of exercise prove to be the cause of this problem. Blood sugar level can be controlled with the help of yoga.
Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity prove to be the cause of chronic diseases like diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases due to mistakes made in everyday life. Often people use various types of medicines and insulin injections to control blood sugar level. But for those people who want to prevent this problem in a natural way, practicing yoga is a great option. It also helps in increasing immunity by controlling blood circulation. Know some yoga asanas for people suffering from diabetes (Yoga for diabetes).
Regarding this, yoga expert Bhavna Japatyani says that sugar is a metabolic disease. Lack of insulin hormone in the body increases the risk of diabetes. Overweight, wrong eating habits and lack of exercise prove to be the cause of this problem. In such a situation, blood sugar level can be controlled with the help of yoga. These yogasanas keep the weight balanced and provide relief from muscle pain.
Control diabetes with these yogasanas
1. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Daily yoga proves to be very effective in increasing body strength and controlling diabetes. This keeps the body healthy and active. Along with this, strain is also felt in the abdominal muscles.
Learn the method of doing Dhanurasana
- To do this yoga asana, lie down on your stomach on the mat. Now straighten both the legs and maintain a gap between them.
- Now bend your legs at the knees and bring them near the waist. After that, take both the arms backwards.
- Try to hold the ankles with your hands. Now lift the head up and start feeling a stretch in the chest.
- By doing this, a stretch is felt in the legs. Look upward and remain in this posture as per the capacity of the body.
2. Paschimottanasana
By doing this yoga asana, blood circulation increases in the body. Besides, posture also improves. Practicing it regularly provides relief from anxiety, headache and fatigue. Also, digestive problems get solved.
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Learn the method of doing Paschimottanasana
- To do this, sit on the mat and straighten your legs forward. After this, keep both the arms forward.
- Now bend the waist forward and touch the toes of the feet with both hands. During this, place the elbows on the ground.
- During yoga, straighten your back and take deep breaths. Practice this yoga as per the capacity of the body.
- Apart from controlling diabetes, this maintains flexibility in the body.
3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
Hormonal imbalance increasing in the body can be reduced with the help of this yoga asana. Also blood circulation starts increasing. The body remains active and healthy. Along with this, mental stress also starts reducing.
Learn the method of doing Sarvangasana
- To do this yoga asana, lie down on your back on the mat and lift both your legs upward from the waist.
- Keep your neck on the ground and also keep your shoulders on the ground. Keep both hands on the waist.
- If you want, you can also take the help of a wall to do this yoga asana. This provides relief from leg pain.
- Practice this yoga as per the capacity of the body. Due to this the body remains active throughout the day.
4. Halasana (Plow pose)
The practice of Halasana proves beneficial in strengthening the digestive system. Due to this, the stress level in the body starts reducing and a stretch is felt in the muscles. This keeps the body active and healthy. By practicing it regularly, diabetes levels can be controlled.
Know the method of doing Halasana
- To do this, lie down on your back. Now maintain distance between both the legs and take a deep breath.
- After that, rest your hands on the waist and take both the legs backwards. Place your legs on the ground.
- During this, keep the legs straight. Stay in this yoga posture as per the capacity of the body and then leave the body loose.
5. Kati Chakrasana
The practice of Kati Chakrasana is beneficial to keep the body weight balanced. This causes twist in the spine
Feeling and posture starts improving. Practicing it regularly keeps the body active and healthy.
Learn the method of doing Kati Chakrasana
To do this yoga asana, stand straight on the mat. Now keep the right leg forward and the left leg backward.
Now rest the right arm on the left shoulder and keep the left hand extended in front. Move the neck backwards.
Take a deep breath and exhale. Practicing this twice a day keeps the body balanced.