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4 foods which should be eaten on an empty stomach and 6 foods which should be avoided, dietician is telling the reason for everything

Including food rich in proteins, antioxidants and micronutrients in the diet boosts digestion, absorption and metabolism. This relieves heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and stress. Also, acidic formation can be prevented from increasing.

The meal that breaks a long fast is called breakfast. To satisfy morning hunger, some people consume spicy and oily foods, while some drink smoothies made of raw vegetables without knowing. Due to this, they have to face discomfort and problems throughout the day. Apart from this, its effect is also visible on the absorption of nutrients. If you also want to choose a healthy breakfast, then avoid taking some foods on an empty stomach. Know those foods which can increase the risk of health problems if eaten in breakfast.

How should be the diet after long fasting (Foods on an empty stomach)

Regarding this, dietitian Dr. Aditi Sharma says that after fasting for 8 to 10 hours, juices and enzymes start secreting in the stomach. In such a situation, eating acidic food increases acidic formation, which causes stomach ache and bloating. In such a situation, including food rich in proteins, antioxidants and micronutrients in the diet boosts digestion, absorption and metabolism. This relieves heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and stress. Besides, anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic effects are also found in it.

Avoid eating these foods on an empty stomach (Foods to not eat on an empty stomach)

Risk of gastric ulcer from citrus fruits

Consuming sour fruits like kinnow, kiwi, guava and orange on an empty stomach increases the amount of acid in the stomach. Due to this, the problem of stomach pain, bloating and slow digestion increases. The risk of gastritis and gastric ulcer also increases. Eating these fruits on an empty stomach increases the amount of fructose in the body, which causes diabetes to become unbalanced. Apart from this, due to lack of fiber in the juice, the problem of feeling hungry persists for some time.

2 Coffee increases reflux

Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach increases the risk of acidity while keeping the brain active. Coffee stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract which can lead to gastritis. Caffeine opens the lower esophageal sphincter between the esophagus and stomach. This causes stomach acid to back up into the esophagus, increasing reflux.

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3 Spicy foods increase heartburn

Those people who consume spicy food for breakfast in the morning. They suffer from stomach pain, heartburn and acid reflux. Eating spicy food contains capsaicin compound proven to cause gastric problems. Capsaicin causes heartburn and indigestion. According to the National Institute of Health, eating too much chilli-rich chana for breakfast harms gut health. Apart from this, the problem of skin allergy and itching persists.

disadvantages of fried food
Those people who consume spicy food for breakfast in the morning. They suffer from stomach pain, heartburn and acid reflux.

4 Sugary cereals increase fatigue

To stay active throughout the day, eat normal grains instead of sweets. Bread, rice, pasta and sweet oats cause the sugar level in the body to become uncontrolled. Due to this, the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases increases. Besides this, the storage of calories also starts increasing. Replace these foods with jowar, millet and barley.

5 Avoid eating raw vegetables

Due to choosing low fat meal, people often start consuming raw vegetables on an empty stomach. However, raw vegetables are rich in fiber. But consuming them on an empty stomach increases the risk of bloating and stomach pain. Where cucurbitacin compound is found in cucumber. Consuming it on an empty stomach can cause gas and diarrhea. The tannic acid present in tomato causes burning sensation in the stomach when it comes in contact with gastric juice.

Disadvantages of raw vegetables
Raw vegetables are rich in fiber. But consuming them on an empty stomach increases the risk of bloating and stomach pain.

6 Yogurt increases the risk of acidity

According to the National Institute of Health, curd is rich in probiotics. If you consume it on an empty stomach, it increases the acidity in the stomach and reduces the amount of healthy bacteria. The lactic acid bacteria present in yogurt do not benefit the body and the production of acid starts increasing.

Choose these foods to eat on an empty stomach

1 Oatmeal increases energy levels

Oatmeal provides energy to the body. Including fiber rich oats in the diet strengthens the digestive system. Also, the progression of diabetes can be prevented.

2 eggs strengthen muscles

Eggs contain high amounts of protein. This strengthens the muscles and builds tissues. According to the report of Journal Nutrients, by consuming it, the amount of calories can be controlled by controlling appetite. People suffering from cholesterol are advised to eat white part of egg.

benefits of egg
Eggs contain high amounts of protein. This strengthens the muscles and builds tissues.

3 Nuts and Seeds

By including soaked nuts and seeds in the diet, the body gets healthy fats, protein and fiber. Through this the body also gets Vitamin E, Iron and Omega 3 fatty acids. Besides, energy and stamina remains in the body.

4 berries

Consuming berries fulfills the deficiency of antioxidants and fiber in the body, which can help in improving digestion. Raspberries and blackberries can help increase energy levels. These are also called mood boosting foods.


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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