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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Custard apple improves eyesight, include it in children’s diet with these 5 recipes.

Custard Apple, which is rich in many properties including boosting digestion, can be eaten by adding it to pudding, smoothie and oatmeal. First let us know the benefits of custard apple and the recipes prepared from it.

Before trying a new recipe, there is increased concern about calorie count. If you are looking for a low calorie dessert, recipes made with custard apple add nutrition to your diet along with taste. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, custard apple not only tastes refreshing but its creamy texture can enhance the beauty of any dish. First of all, let us know why custard apple is special and then the recipes prepared from it (custard apple recipes).

Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, natural sugar is found in custard apple. Dietician Manisha Goyal says that custard apple is a low calorie food. This boosts both digestion and mood. This not only strengthens the immune system but also solves the problems of eye and heart diseases. The amount of potassium and magnesium present in it also helps in controlling high blood pressure. This fruit, which boosts digestion, can be eaten by adding it to pudding, smoothie and oatmeal. First let us know the benefits of custard apple.

custard-apple-kyu hai faydemand
Consuming custard apple reduces the risk of free radicals in the body. Image Shutterstock

Know the benefits of custard apple

1. Rich in antioxidants

According to the National Institute of Health, consuming custard apple reduces the risk of free radicals in the body. It contains many nutrients including kourenoic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin C. High amount of antioxidants are found. This strengthens the body’s immune system.

2. Beneficial for eyes

By consuming it the body gets the carotenoid antioxidant lutein. This reduces the risk of premature vision loss and macular degeneration. Having high levels of lutein reduces the risk of cataract.

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3. Effective in weight loss

Custard apple is very beneficial in controlling rapidly increasing weight. This fulfills the deficiency of Vitamin A, C and B6 in the body. Apart from this, the level of minerals like potassium and iron also remains maintained. Custard apple rich in fiber helps in digestion, which keeps the stomach full for a long time. This low calorie food boosts metabolism, so that weight gain can be avoided.

Eat custard apple for weight loss
Custard apple rich in fiber helps in digestion, which keeps the stomach full for a long time. Image: Adobe Stock

4. Improve digestion

Consuming custard apple rich in soluble fiber increases the effect of good bacteria in the intestines. Also, after going through fermentation, short chain fatty acids start forming in the body. With its help the digestive system gets strengthened. According to USDA, 1 cup of custard apple contains 5 grams of dietary fiber.

Include custard apple in your diet in this way (custard apple recipes)

1. Custard Apple and Frozen Honey Yogurt

First of all, prepare the pulp of custard apple and take it out in a bowl. Now put hung curd in the same bowl and mix. After removing the lumps completely, refrigerate the creamy mixture for 2 to 3 hours. Now prepare the mixture by putting it in a blender and add honey and roasted flax seeds to it and serve.

2. Custard apple smoothie

To make this, take out the seeds of custard apple, put the pulp in a jar and add banana and strawberry in it. Once a smooth and creamy paste is ready, add milk, honey and ice cubes. Serve the prepared smoothie garnished with 1 teaspoon overnight soaked chia seeds.

How to make Custard apple smoothie
Custard Apple is a low calorie food. This boosts both digestion and mood.

3. Custard Apple and Peanut Butter Oats

To make this, heat milk in a pan and add plain oats to it and stir for 1 to 2 minutes. Now add cocoa powder to it, after cooking on low flame, take out the oats in a bowl. Now add 1 spoon peanut butter to it to add creamy texture and also add seedless custard apple pulp. Now after preparing it, garnish with pomegranate seeds and serve.

4. Custard Apple Basundi

Basudi is a traditional recipe prepared from the pulp of custard apple. To make this, prepare one cup of pulp. Now add 1 liter milk in the pan and boil it. Add small cardamom powder to boiled milk and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. When the milk gets flavored, then add the pulp to the milk, mix it and let the milk thicken. Add sugar as per taste in it. Take out the prepared Basundi in a bowl, let it cool and garnish with dry fruits and serve.

custard apple basundi recipe
Basudi is a traditional recipe prepared from the pulp of custard apple. Healthy and Tasty Custard Apple Basundi Recipe. Image: Shutterstock

5.Custard Apple Burfi

To make this, pour milk in a pan and heat it. Now add condensed milk and dry fruits prepared from cashews, almonds and pistachios. Mix everything and stir for some time. When the mixture starts thickening, add custard apple pulp to it and mix. Now grease a wide vessel, set the mixture in it and keep it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After the recipe is ready, cut it into pieces and serve garnished with dry fruits.

Take special care before eating custard apple which is rich in high sugar content.

Regarding this, nutritionist Dr. Rujuta Diwekar says that bioactive molecules, anti-obesogenic, anti-diabetes and anti-cancer properties are found in it. This helps in fighting chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

According to USDA, custard apple glycemic index is 54, which is counted among low GI foods. It is advisable for diabetic patients to eat foods with GI of 55 or less. But due to the excessive sweetness present in it, consuming it in moderate manner can prove beneficial. The recipe can be made sweet and nutritious by replacing it with sugar in the diet.


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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