During the Mahakumbh (Mahakumbh 2025) held in Prayagraj, 30 people died in a stampede on Mauni Amavasya on Wednesday. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath has expressed deep grief about this incident. The Yogi government has announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh for the families of the deceased in the Mahakumbh stampede. Also, the state government has ordered a judicial inquiry into this incident. After the stampede, the situation in Mahakumbh has become completely normal. The administration there has handled every system. No one is having any problem in bathing. Let us tell you what happened there since the stampede in the Mahakumbh and how are the situation in Sangam Ghat now…
CM Yogi became emotional about Mahakumbh incident
CM Yogi became emotional on Wednesday over a stampede in Mahakumbh. He said that we are in touch with the fair administration since night. All the arrangements that could have been available in the fair area have been deployed in the fair area. CM Yogi Adityanath said that the government has decided that a judicial inquiry will be conducted in this incident. For this, we have also constituted a three -member judicial commission under the chairmanship of Justice Harsh Kumar, former DG VK Gupta and retired IAS DK Singh.
How did the accident happen?
- On the auspicious occasion of Mauni Amavasya, the people of devotees gathered to take a strong desire to take a Amrit bath at Sangam nose. Everyone wanted to be a partner of this holy moment. Due to this, an unexpected crowd gathered there.
- The devotees who had arrived to bathe on the day of Mauni Amavasya, camped on the banks of barricading and camped. The administration had reserved a separate route for various akharas starting at 5 am for the Amrit bath.
- On Tuesday night around 1 pm… The crowd exceeded its capacity on the way for bathing. According to the police and administration plan, they were making arrangements to take people from barricading to the ghat and bring back. However, unexpected crowds were out of control.
- Around 1:45 pm, people uncontrolled and jumped barricading and started going towards Sangam. People who jumped barricading in this stampede fell on those families who were sleeping there.
- After this, the crowd suddenly started trampling people, which injured many people. Due to the arrival of pilgrims, 30 people died and 60 others were injured in a stampede.
- Many women fainted due to the crushing of the people and as soon as they fell on the ground, stampede.
- The injured were immediately sent to a hospital near Mahakumbh Mela area, while some seriously injured women were sent to Bailey Hospital and Swaroop Rani Medical College for treatment.
- The diversion scheme was implemented in Mahakumbh to control the crowd and the entry of devotees was stopped. Groups of devotees were stopped on the outskirts of the city.
Fair administration released the figure of dead and injured
The fair administration has released the figure of dead and injured by holding a press conference on Wednesday regarding the stampede in Mahakumbh. The Mahakumbh Mela administration said that 30 people have lost their lives in the stampede. A total of 90 people were injured. 60 injured have been admitted to the hospital. 25 people have been identified in the dead. DIG Mahakumbh Nagar Mela area Vaibhav Krishna told how there was a stampede on the Sangam coast. DIG Vaibhav Krishna said that there was a lot of crowd between 1 to 2 pm on Tuesday night. Some devotees were sleeping on the confluence of the Sangam for the Amrit bath in Brahma Muhurta on Mauni Amavasya. Barricades are installed in me. Some barricades broke at the ghat, due to which some devotees sleeping on the ground climbed into chaos. Some of those who were injured by crushing died.
Deployment of officers who have handled Kumbh in 2019
After the accident in Mahakumbh, now all the emphasis is on improving the arrangements. According to sources, many other officials have also been deployed to further improve the arrangements in Mahakumbh. It is being told that these are the officers who used to see the arrangements even during the 2019 Kumbh. After the stampede in Mahakumbh, Senior IAS Ashish Goyal has been given the responsibility of further arrangements. He was the commissioner of Prayagraj in Kumbh in 2019. He is currently the chairman of Sara Power Corporation. This decision was made after the meeting held at the CM’s house last night. Apart from this, Bhanu Chandra Goswami, DM of Prayagraj in 2019, has also been given the responsibility of the fair. Since the deaths of thirty people in the stampede, questions have been raised on the UP government and its arrangements. With this, 5 special secretaries have been deployed for Mahakumbh. Along with this, the crowd is being prevented from gathering at all the stations of Prayagraj.
Administration had released helpline
After the stampede in Mahakumbh, the Uttar Pradesh administration has released the 1920 helpline number. People can get information about their loved ones by calling these numbers. On the day of Mauni Amavasya, more than 6 crore people took a holy bath in Mahakumbh. With this, more than 10 lakh Kalpavasi Sangam has stayed on the banks of the Sangam coast.
Railways planned to run 190 special trains
After the stampede incident, the Central Railway CPRO Shashikant Tripathi said that a large number of devotees are coming towards the railway complex after bathing. This crowd is now slowly moving towards the station. We have operated more than 80 special trains through about 50 North Central Railway, 13 Northern Railway and 20 Northeast Railway till 12 noon.
Things normal in Prayagraj
After a stampede related situation in Prayagraj, the situation has become completely normal. Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself is keeping an eye on the situation of Kumbh and is in constant touch with the state government. PM Modi spoke to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath four times and gave necessary instructions to provide relief. Chief Minister Yogi said that the situation is now under control, although there is a lot of pressure from the devotees in Prayagraj. Do and avoid rumors. He told that today about 9 to 10 crore devotees are in Prayagraj.
Many entry points coming to Prayagraj were closed
More than 9 crore people arrived in Prayagraj on Wednesday. The devotees continue to come to the confluence coast. To control the crowd, the fair administration had closed 8 entry points coming to Prayagraj. However, the entry was opened after later normal. The Bhadohi-Varanasi border had a 20 km long jam. There was a jam situation on the Chitrakoot border. More than 50 thousand vehicles were stopped on the Kaushambi border and there was a jam situation for 5 hours. The jam was also seen on the Fatehpur-Kanpur border. 40 thousand vehicles were stopped at Pratapgarh border. All buses going to Prayagraj on Jaunpur border were stopped. There was a long jam on the Mizapur border and vehicles were also stopped on the Rewa border.
Akhara Parishad refused to bathe amrit
After the stampede, the Akhara Parishad refused to take a bath. However, later the Akharas participated in the Amrit bath after the situation became normal. In the confluence for bathing, flowers were rained by helicopter on saints and saints. All 13 akharas took a bath in the nectar.
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