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Thursday, January 16, 2025

The problem of urine leakage can increase in cold weather, know how to manage it.

The problem of passing urine frequently increases in women in winter. The problem of urine leakage is usually seen in women after the age of 30 to 35. Know the reasons and solutions to avoid this.

While cold weather is tempting, it also increases the risk of many health problems. Apart from seasonal infections, there is one problem which most of the women face during winter. The problem of urine leakage is usually seen in women after the age of 30 to 35. It is also called urinary incontinence. This problem has to be faced due to many reasons including obesity and chronic cough. The problem of passing urine increases in winter. If you also suffer from urine leakage in winter, then know its reasons and also the ways to get relief from it.

Urinary incontinence is completely normal in women, JAMA Network reports. This problem is found in 17 percent of women above 20 years of age. Whereas 38 percent women above 60 years of age suffer from it.

Why does urine leakage increase in winter?

Physician Dr. Prakash Chandra Shetty explains that less support to the bladder and urethra proves to be the cause of urine leakage. In fact, the risk of urinary incontinence increases with increasing age. Any chronic health problem, obesity, diabetes, menopause, increasing weakness in pelvic muscles and surgery for prostate cancer prove to be the main reasons for this.

Passing urine frequently is a symptom of ovarian cancer.
Less support to the bladder and urethra proves to be the cause of urine leakage. Image:Shutterstock

Due to these reasons the problem of urine leakage increases (Causes of urine leakage in winter)

1. Pregnancy

The increased pressure on the bladder due to pregnancy proves to be the cause of urine leakage. This problem starts getting resolved after a few weeks of delivery.

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2. Urine infection

In women, infection in the bladder and urethra proves to be the cause of urine infection. Due to this, the problem of frequent urination persists.

3. Diabetes

Due to diabetes the bladder becomes overactive. Due to this, urine starts leaking sometimes while laughing and sometimes while coughing. Besides, the problem of frequent urination also persists.

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Bladder becomes overactive due to diabetes

4. Obesity

Increasing obesity in women proves to be the cause of urine leakage. Obesity increases pressure on the stomach. Due to this, the muscles supporting the bladder get damaged, which proves to be the cause of urine leakage.

Solve the problem of urine leakage with the help of these tips (Tipos to deal urine leakage in winter)

1. Do pelvic exercises

With the help of Kegel exercises, tightness in the vaginal muscles increases, due to which urine leakage can be avoided. Apart from practicing Kegel exercises, practicing yoga also proves effective in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. For this, practice Vajrasana, Padahastasana, Baddhakonasana and Paschimottanasana in your routine.

2. Keep the bladder empty

Due to lack of sweating in winter, the problem of passing excess urine persists. In such a situation, instead of holding urine, empty your bladder before going anywhere. With this the problem of urine leakage can be avoided. Also the body remains healthy.

3. It is important to keep the body hydrated

Try to keep the body hydrated. This helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body. For this, include detox water in the diet. Also limit caffeine intake. Actually, the problem of passing urine persists due to consumption of tea and coffee. Also, one should avoid drinking anything before sleeping at night.

keeping the body hydrated
Try to keep the body hydrated. This helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body.

4. Try to keep the body warm

Due to cold, the muscles around the bladder become weak, which leads to frequent urge to urinate. In fact, during the cold months, fluid intake starts decreasing and the lifestyle becomes sedentary. In such a situation, wear layers of warm clothes and protect your body from cold so that it can help in keeping the body warm.

5. Keep body weight balanced

According to the report of Journal of Communication Medicine, high body mass index and fat accumulated on the waist start increasing the pressure on the bladder. This increases urine leakage. In such a situation, include healthy meals in the diet. Apart from this, consume seasonal fruits and vegetables. Also avoid alcohol consumption

6. Using panty liners

Urine leakage can be avoided by using a panty liner that is smaller and thinner than sanitary pads. This helps in protecting the clothes from leakage while getting up and sitting.


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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