If you also use the phone throughout the day, then you need to be careful. People, do you know how much pain your important phone can cause to your body and why those pains will increase day by day?
Imagine how many days you can live without your phone? Might not be able to stay even for a day. Then increasing technology has made the phone such an important device day by day that now it has become an all-rounder. From calls to camera, messages to video calls – all in one phone. But we are not telling you all these things to promote any phone. We are telling you these things so that you can understand how much pain (mobile phone side effects) can your important phone cause to your body and why will those pains increase day by day?
A few days ago, a team of doctors had conducted a survey together. The findings of the survey were shocking. The report says that the diseases caused by phones (mobile phone side effects) Among them, brain tumor was the highest at 74 percent. 80 percent people were victims of deafness due to phones. 37 percent people also had the problem of male infertility and 45 percent people were also suffering from heart disease due to this. That’s enough talk about the report, now let’s come to the pain.
Use of mobile phone can cause so much pain in the body (mobile phone side effects)
1. Neck and shoulder pain (Text Neck):
We bend our heads to see and this habit is a major cause of pain in the neck and shoulders. Then due to this, problems like stiff neck and heavy shoulders occur.
2. Back Pain
Sitting in an incorrect position with the phone for hours puts stress on the spine, causing lower back pain. Many times this problem increases to such an extent that people start having difficulty even sitting up.
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3. Pain in hands and fingers (Text Claw)
Continuous typing on the phone and swiping the screen can cause strain in the muscles of the fingers and hands. This is the most common side effect of mobile phone use.
4. Digital Eye Strain
Looking at the bright phone screen for hours makes the eyes tired (mobile phone side effects). Due to this, problems like burning sensation in the eyes, blurred vision and headache occur.
It is common to get headaches due to continuous sitting bent over the phone and looking at the screen.
6. Pain in wrist
You must have heard people saying that after such a long conversation, holding the phone causes pain in the hands (mobile phone side effects). This should not be seen as a statement of pride but should be seen as a problem.
Why does the use of mobile phone become the cause of pain (Causes of mobile phone side effects)
1. Sitting wrongly
Bending the head, bending the back or using the phone in wrong posture puts stress on the body. This is the reason why people often suffer from back pain, head and neck pain.
2.Holding the phone for a long time
Holding the phone continuously tires the muscles of the hands and fingers. The eyes constantly focus on the screen, which makes them tired. If you do not take rest intermittently while using the phone, then the muscles are affected.
If you want to avoid body pain and other problems, then keep these things in mind while using mobile phone (Tips to avoid mobile phone side effects)
1. Do not sit bent over
Always try to keep the phone at your eye level. And don’t hold the phone for too long. Adopt correct posture. Keep your back straight while sitting. And try to keep the phone at eye level.
2. Reduce screen brightness
Eyes get tired quickly due to excess light. Therefore, the better option is not to use the phone in the dark and even if you are using it, keep the brightness low.
3. Take breaks every now and then
Look away from the phone every 20-30 minutes. Stretch the body. Reduce phone screen time. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Keep your phone away while eating or spending time with family. Fix a few hours every day when you do not touch the phone at all. Decide how much time a day to be on social media.
4.Don’t look at your phone before sleeping
Looking at the phone before sleeping does not give rest to the mind and spoils sleep.
be careful
According to Dr. Avinash Rai, if you do not use the phone properly and less, then you may face serious problems (mobile phone side effects). Before this, you will become a victim of chronic pain and the pain in your neck, back and shoulders will become permanent.
Who is unaware that eye health deteriorates due to use of phone? Your phone can also give you gifts like headache, fatigue and lack of sleep, if you love its company too much.
Also read – Mobile Phone Radiation Effect: Excessive use of mobile phone can weaken the immune system, know how