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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fasting rock salt is not for food everyday, experts are telling its side effects

Many times people consider rock salt as natural and make it a part of their daily food. But eating high amounts of rock salt can add badly on your body’s functionality (Rock salt side effects). Such a bad effect that you can also be a victim of kidney or heart disease.

You must have used rock salt or rock salt. Most times it is used in fasts in our homes. But many times people consider it natural and make it a part of their daily food. But eating high amounts of rock salt can affect your body’s functionality badly. Rock salt side effects that you can also be a victim of kidney or heart disease. How, let’s understand.

Rock Salt Benefits

Before knowing the disadvantages of excessive intake of rock salt, we know what its benefits are.

1. Source of Minerals

Rock Salt contains important minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which help you to function properly.

2. Help in digestion

This salt also helps in digestion. This is possible that it maintains the balance of acid in the stomach.

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3. This salt is natural

Rock Salt is made without any chemical help. So it is natural. This is also an advantage of this.

4. Hydration (Rock salt side effects)

Due to its minerals, this salt also keeps the body hydrated. These minerals keep water in the body balanced.

What happens when you start eating more rock salt (Rock salt side effects)

1. High blood pressure

Rock salt contains sodium, which helps maintain water balance in the body. But if we eat more (Rock salt side effects), it can increase our blood pressure. Who According to, when there is high level of sodium in the body, our blood vessels shrink, which increases blood pressure. This also puts pressure on the heart, kidney and brain, which can cause stroke or heart diseases.

2. Kidney Pressure on the kidney

If more rock salt is eaten, then the kidney can also have an effect. Report of an institution named Pubmed It says that sodium is low in rock salt. And sodium deficiency is not good for the body.

Rock salt side effects
If more rock salt is eaten, the kidney may also be affected. Picture – Shuttersk

When the balance of sodium and potassium in the body deteriorates, the kidney has to do more work to fix it. This can affect the functioning of the kidney and may cause kidney problems.

3. Rock salt side effects

If the rock salt is consumed more then it can also spoil the health of the bones. a report According to it, eating too much salt removes calcium from the body, which can weaken bones. This may increase the risk of breaking of bones, especially for elderly people.

4. Digestive issues

Rock salt helps in digestion, but if it is eaten more, there may be problems like stomach irritation, gas and indigestion. This can also increase acidity and can cause gall bladder problems. Therefore, it is necessary to eat the right amount.

5. Rock salt side effects

Excess intake of rock salt can increase the risk of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. This can accumulate water in the body, which can cause problems like swelling in the body.

Rock salt side effects
More use of rock salt can give you diabetes.

Diabetes UK report It is said that increasing the intake of sodium through any means including rock salt increases the Rock Salt Side Effects.

6. Lack of water (Rock salt side effects)

You must have often felt that after eating salt, there is thirst (Rock salt side effects). For this reason, people avoid eating more salt foods during fast or fast. The reason for this is that if you eat more rock salt, then water starts coming out of the body. This can lead to lack of water, causing problems like headache, tiredness and muscle cramps.

Why is Iodine’s ordinary salt in our food

1. Sodium work

Simple salt contains sodium, which helps to keep water and balance in our body right. It helps our nerves and muscles to function properly.

2. Help in digestion

Simple salt keeps the acid inside the stomach correct, which keeps digestion good. It increases hydrochloric acid, which helps in digesting food.

3. required for thyroid

Ordinary salt contains iodine, which is very important for our thyroid glove. If there is a deficiency of iodine in the body, then there may be problems like hypothyroidism, so that the body’s metabolism does not work properly.

4. Mainten will be blood pressure

Simple salt helps to keep blood pressure under control. It balances body water. However, eating too much salt can cause heart diseases and high blood pressure, so always consume salt in balanced quantity. This happens that our veins work properly and the risk of heart or brain disease is less.

Also read – In this way, you will consume rock salt, then there will be less weight in a pinch

(Tagstotranslate) Rock Salt Side Effects (T) Dangers of Rock Salt (T) Rock Salt Health Risks (T) Side Effects of Consuming Rock Salt (T) IS Rock Salt HARMFUL (T) t) Health Risks of Rock salt


Vijaylakshmi Kumari
Vijaylakshmi Kumarihttp://newstiger.in
Vijaylakshmi shares simple, practical health tips and information to help readers make informed decisions about their well-being. Her blog focuses on everyday wellness and balanced living

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