Kerala’s New Nipah Case Takes Total Count To 5, 706 On Contact List

New Nipah Case-Contact tracing in response to the Nipah outbreak in Kozhikode quarter has handed pivotal perceptivity into the movements of those affected. The first victim, a 47- time-old, started showing symptoms on August 22. On August 23, he attended a family gathering in Tiruvallur from 730 PM to 10 PM and returned home on August 24. The coming day, on August 25, between 1030 AM and 1230 PM, he visited the Mullumkunnu Grameen Bank. He also visited the Juma Masjid in Kallad between 1230 PM and 130 PM on the same day.

New Nipah Case
New Nipah Case

latterly, on August 26, from 11 AM to 1:30 AM, he sought medical help at the Kuttyadi Shed Medical Centre. latterly, he was admitted to Thottilpalam Rahma Hospital from 9:30 PM on August 28 until night on August 29. He was also transferred to the exigency department of Iqra Hospital in Kozhikode from 2:30 AM to 4:15 AM on August 29 and admitted to the MICU at 4:15 AM.

A alternate existent, aged 40, developed symptoms on September 5. From that day until the autumn of September 7, he was under observation at a relation’s house. On that autumn, he visited a supermarket.

On September 8, between 10:15 AM and 10:45 AM, he sought medical attention at the Ayangeri Family Health Centre. Between 12 noon and 1 PM, he visited Tattankode Masjid, and latterly in the same day’s autumn, he went to Kozhikode Iqra Hospital.

On September 9, between 10 AM and 12 AM, as well as on September 10, between 10:30 AM and 11 AM, he visited Villayappalli Family Health Centre. He also visited Vadakara quarter sanitarium between 12 noon and 3 PM on that day.

On September 11, at 8 AM, he visited Dr. Jyoti Kumar’s clinic and latterly arrived at Vadakara united Sanitarium between nine in the morning and five in the evening. Unfortunately, he was admitted to Aster Mims and passed away in the sanitarium’s exigency department on the same day.

The contact tracing sweats have linked a aggregate of 789 individualities who may have had contact with the Nipah victim. Of these, 371 are linked to the first victim, 60 to his son presently witnessing treatment, and 77 to his family- in- law. also, 281 individualities are associated with the alternate victim. As part of the response, seven samples, including those from verified Nipah cases, have been transferred for testing.

New Nipah Case Rule and Restrictions by District Collector

To control the contagion’s spread, District Collector A. Geetha has enforced a 10- day ban on public gatherings and events. Carnivals at places of deification are allowed only with rituals and without public attendance. preliminarily listed marriages and receptions should do with minimum attendees and strict adherence to Nipah protocol, with previous authorization from the police. Cultural and sports events are advised to be laid over during this period

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