Obesity is a medical condition due to which excessive amounts of fat start accumulating in the body. Due to this, negative effects are seen on health. Due to obesity, infertility starts increasing in men and women.
Fat accumulated on the body starts causing obesity. Often people are heard saying that obesity causes many problems. But this is really true, because obesity, which increases day by day due to sitting and sometimes overeating, starts becoming the primary cause of many health problems. Due to this, body weight starts increasing, due to which BMI also starts getting affected. Let us know what is obesity and what problems it increases the risk of in the body.
According to CDC, information about increasing obesity in the body is obtained from BMI i.e. Body Mass Index. If your BMI is more than 30, then you are counted among those who are obese. Its healthy range should be between 18.5 to 24.9.
First of all let us know what is obesity (What is obesity)
Regarding this, Internal Surgeon Dr. Vikas Kapoor explains that obesity is a medical condition due to which excessive amounts of fats start accumulating in the body. Due to this, negative effects are seen on health. This information is obtained by calculating the BMI of a person. This problem can be solved by regular exercise, staying away from stress, getting nutrition and following sleep pattern.
According to the World Health Organization, people whose body mass index is more than 25 are called overweight and people whose body mass index is more than 30 are obese. Increased BMI is proven to be the cause of 5 million deaths due to non-communicable diseases in the year 2019.
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Know the problems that increase in the body due to this (Health risks in obesity)
1. Risk of heart diseases increases
People suffering from obesity remain at risk of heart related problems. Due to this, one has to face pressure in pumping blood around the body. Due to this, the problem of high blood pressure persists, which proves to be the cause of stroke. This makes the vessels that circulate blood to the heart narrow. Increasing stiffness in the arteries is also called atherosclerosis. Apart from the heart, its effect is also visible on the kidneys.
2. Muscle pain and cramps
Due to obesity, the problem of excess weight on the joints starts increasing. Due to this, tension in the muscles increases, which leads to swelling and pain in the joints. In people who are obese, the accumulated fats often start causing inflammation. This increases the problem of pain in knees, legs, hips and back. Due to this, if you strain for a long time, you have to face increased pain and stiffness.
3. Increase in stress
According to the National Institute of Health, due to increase in weight, the level of cortisol in the body increases, due to which the problem of insomnia increases and one has to face stress. The problem of overeating persists due to stress. Due to this one has to face obesity. Apart from this, the level of dopamine starts increasing, which increases the problem of feeling hungry again and again.
4. Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes
Due to obesity, the release of fatty acids and glucose in the body increases, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. According to the National Institute of Health, due to changes in the body’s metabolism, the pancreas is not able to release insulin properly, which leads to increased blood sugar levels. Due to this, the amount of lipids and cytokines in the blood also starts increasing, due to which insulin resistance has to be faced.
5 Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Obesity increases the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the body. Due to this one has to face chest pain and burning sensation. Besides, problems of bloating, stomach ache and constipation also persist. Apart from this, the amount of bile starts getting stimulated, due to which the amount of stones in the gall bladder increases. Fats start increasing around the liver, due to which the risk of liver damage increases.
6. Risk of infertility
Due to obesity, infertility starts increasing in men and women. Due to this, as it takes time to conceive, the fertility rate starts decreasing. Due to this there is a risk of miscarriage. At the same time, the quality of sperm starts decreasing in women as well as men.
With the help of these tips you will get relief from obesity
1. Have a healthy diet
Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables to increase the amount of nutrition in the body and reduce fats. Apart from this, adopt the habit of eating food on time.
2. Exercise is important
Exercising regularly not only burns calories but also weakens muscle health. In such a situation, do moderate intensity exercise.
3. Drink water
Drink plenty of water. This helps in detoxifying the toxic substances present in the body and keeps the body healthy and active.
4. Set a bedtime
Set a time to sleep. This provides adequate sleep and keeps you away from stress. For this follow the sleep pattern.